Und ich als Besitzer der physischen #Borderlands Handsome Collection, habe natürlich bei diesem 30 € Deal die Arschkarte gezogen, weil man die nicht seinem #Xbox-Account hinzufügen kann.
#borderlands #xbox #pandorasbox
As a huge fan of Jim Steinman’s writing, I was shocked to hear this version of A Kiss Is A Terrible Thing To Waste by Pandora’s Box. It predates the Meatloaf song by years and is beautiful, stunning and deserves a proper release.
#JimSteinman #PandorasBox #AKissIsATerribleThingToWaste #Music
#music #akissisaterriblethingtowaste #pandorasbox #jimsteinman
Happy anniversary to OMD’s album, ‘Sugar Tax’. Released this week in 1991. #omd #sugartax #sailingonthesevenseas #pandorasbox #thenyouturnaway #callmyname
#omd #sugartax #sailingonthesevenseas #pandorasbox #thenyouturnaway #callmyname
Elegant classics seen at the Paramount Theatre last night for the silent film Pandora's Box from 1929.
#sfba #ParamountTheatreOakland
#Oakland #Lincoln #Packard #PandorasBox #DieBuchseDerPandora #GWPabst
#sfba #paramounttheatreoakland #oakland #lincoln #packard #pandorasbox #diebuchsederpandora #gwpabst
Beelzebastard. Is it really worth invoking the genie? 24 April 2023. #ConceptualArt #EvilGenie #Metaphor #Pandorasbox
#pandorasbox #metaphor #evilgenie #conceptualart
The #timeline for #AI #malfeasance is very short: less than 2 years before many clerical jobs are replaced, and heightened (and #effective) social unrest is instigated by #badactors using #socialmedia and AI-tuned #communication. This is #exponential not #linear. People intrigued by #ChatGPT will soon be #confused, #misled and #divided by de-sandboxed AIs that know how to push your buttons based on your #tiktok, #instagram etc. #gonnabebad #verybad #pandorasbox #notatoy
#timeline #ai #malfeasance #effective #badactors #socialmedia #communication #exponential #linear #chatgpt #confused #misled #divided #tiktok #Instagram #gonnabebad #verybad #pandorasbox #notatoy
Pandora’s Box Turnout
One box can’t fit everybody in it
But we sure like to collect them!
Everybody is a qualified expert
On other folks’ business
While neglecting their own
Oh, and we do love the tabloids... read more here:
#PoetLaureate #ElaineThomas #PandorasBox #Turnout #GlobalBlackCaucus #DemsAbroad #WomensHistoryMonth #Poem #MyBodyMyChoice
#poetlaureate #elainethomas #pandorasbox #turnout #globalblackcaucus #demsabroad #womenshistorymonth #poem #mybodymychoice
3.1.23 #46admin continues to keep me in isolation, #torture withhold income, contract payout, multiple inheritences, education credentials, redacted files, non-classified files, healthcare, dentalcare, mental healthcare, access to the internet, full access to news and current events, access to comms, communication with friends and loved ones, access to justice or representation, access to freedom of movement. No #accountability @icij @AP @CNN @un @hrw This has gone on all my #life #PANDORASBOX
#46admin #torture #accountability #life #pandorasbox
3.1.23 America continues to run counterinsurgency ops against #Black #American #civilians while allowing #insurgency to #thrive. The current admin arms, funds, propogandizes #nazis as #heroes as they eradicate vulnerable populations on multiple fronts #globally. Scapegoating #victims remains the only action taken on the matter. As #46admin continues to escalate violence & #war #globally #humanrights remain under attack. All Western leadership #complicit @icij @un @hrw #PANDORASBOX @AP
#black #american #civilians #insurgency #thrive #nazis #heroes #globally #victims #46admin #war #humanrights #complicit #pandorasbox
This universe was created through a very specific powerful, ancient process. It appears random because #humans #lack the knowledge to comprehend dynamics that exist in #life. The #key to this #universe is understanding #harmonics. All things in #life exist through the energetic process of harmonic frequencies. When you understand life, creation, evolution, consciousness. You learn how to #harmonize #frequencies at any level. #42LawsOfMaat #BalancedScales
#humans #lack #life #key #universe #harmonics #harmonize #frequencies #42lawsofmaat #balancedscales #lightasafeather #pandorasbox #pandora
11.28.23 #America continues to fund, arm, propagandize #nazis as heroes domestically & globally. Prioritizing nazi #rightwing extremism on multiple fronts resulting in #ethniccleansing of the most vulnerable populations domestically & globally with absolute #tyranny & #impunity. ALL WESTERN LEADERSHIP #COMPLICIT. Denial of a global #holocaust continues as mass suffering, #torture, #death continues without accounting for losses. All who refuse compliance #targeted @icij @un @hrw @CNN #PANDORASBOX
#america #nazis #rightwing #ethniccleansing #tyranny #impunity #complicit #holocaust #torture #death #targeted #pandorasbox
The #Biden #administration uses war in #Ukraine to cover sins commited by the U.S. Hiding the fact that the #45admin weaponized a #pandemic, escalated #ethniccleansing against #Black, vulnerable, and ethnic #civilians. Initaited a violent #insurgency that continues to conduct a #coup, attempted to incite a #RaceWar at the expense of #Black #life and blamed #Russia for everything Black single moms aren't blamed for. Typical #DonaldRumsfeld #WagTheDog #Theater #PANDORASBOX #pandora @icij @AP @hrw
#biden #administration #ukraine #45admin #pandemic #ethniccleansing #black #civilians #insurgency #coup #racewar #life #russia #donaldrumsfeld #wagthedog #theater #pandorasbox #pandora
2.28.23 #America still can't account for how many Black #Americans died during the #pandemic or how. We still have no idea how many #Black people are on U.S. soil. Though most of the #damage from #protests came from #rightwing #extremists many even serving lengthy prison sentences, the damages are used as an excuse to deny #HumanRights. Not only are U.S. gov officials guilty of deploying ops, some even came from #Ukarine yet this remains #suppressed. @un @icij @hrw @CNN #PANDORASBOX #genocide
#america #americans #pandemic #black #damage #protests #rightwing #extremists #humanrights #ukarine #suppressed #pandorasbox #genocide
@icij @AP @hrw @un Taste and see that God is good. If you believe in physics, spirituality, or the universe, so be it. The outcome is the same. Taste and see that it is good! The problem arrived with the solution, we simply needed to evolve to see it. We see. Don't let those who don't choose for us. #demandbetter #now. We are what we have been waiting for. Every moment is new, make it a good one. Choose the better higher path! Class I to Class III. We ALL deserve this! #PANDORASBOX #pandora
#demandbetter #now #pandorasbox #pandora
If #American #leadership doesn't take correct action NOW, America will become #Ukraine as will many ofher #nations. Are #lies #corruption #deviance #abuse #hate worth it? Or do we all deserve the life we were promised? Democracy, equality, expansion, growth, opportunity? Humanity has the chance to progress into a Class I Civilization, why would we allow a few extremists to block it again? @icij @AP @hrw @un #PANDORASBOX
#american #leadership #ukraine #nations #lies #corruption #deviance #abuse #hate #pandorasbox
2.28.23 America continues to hold me in isolation, torturing, slandering, abusing, running counter insurgency operations against me for trying to break free from enslavement. Not a single abuser in 47 years has ever been held accountable. All my income, assets, property, inheritance, aid, relief, support, credentials, education withheld. This has gone on all my life.
#LolitaExpress #LOLITAISMYMOTHER #EpsteinIsland #pandora #PANDORASBOX
@un @hrw
#lolitaexpress #lolitaismymother #epsteinisland #pandora #pandorasbox
The current #threat levels place #America at a heightened level that requires military activation to #ProtectTheHomeland. This is well beyond the scope of #politics. #Deploy full #COOP NOW! #PANDORASBOX #SECDEF #AUSTIN #MILLEY @un
#threat #america #protectthehomeland #politics #deploy #coop #pandorasbox #secdef #austin #milley
Rumsfeld, 1980: You're not allowed to use your skills to benefit yourself.
That was used to steal from me my entirle life. No. There will no just "move on" from it. #BalanceTheScales
#balancethescales #pandorasbox