TONIGHT! Free to attend (but you have to register): The SocialCode x Tampa’s “Embracing the AU Evolution” features 3 quick AI talks (one from me) and networking at Hyde House in Hyde Park. Join us for a fun evening!
#Tampa #TampaBay #meetup #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #panel #discussion #networking
#tampa #tampabay #meetup #ai #artificialintelligence #panel #discussion #networking
This slide (from my talk at tomorrow’s SocialCode x Tampa event) is so important that I’m “spoiling” it by posting it here in advance. Catch the rest of my talk, and Craig Bosco’s, and James Gress’ tomorrow!
#Tampa #TampaBay #meetup #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #panel #discussion #networking
#tampa #tampabay #meetup #ai #artificialintelligence #panel #discussion #networking
Panel audio, cool games (including some pre-releases), the first TTRPGkids booth, gaming friends, and more!
Check out the TTRPGkids recap from GrandCon to see how the event went and what to investigate further for your game tables!
#ttrpgkids #grandcon #panel #ttrpg #dndkids
Event number one of the Tampa Bay tech scene’s “September to Remember” happens this Thursday. It’s in fancy-schmancy Hyde Park, FREE to attend (free food/drink, too!), but tickets are in short supply - get in on it now!
#Tampa #TampaBay #meetup #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #panel #discussion #networking
#tampa #tampabay #meetup #ai #artificialintelligence #panel #discussion #networking
#CfP for the #panel "Humanités excédentaires et animalisations", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 23, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @germanistik @italianstudies @litstudies
#cfp #panel #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews
We are also covering: Aditya-L1 Solar Mission: Countdown Begins For India's First Sun Expedition | Know Details; Saffron Scoop | 9 Yrs, 3 Months & 6 Days Later, Brand Modi is Going Strong, Keeping Pro-Incumbency Alive and more
#News18AfternoonDigest #Govt #Panel #XiJinping #TopStories
#news18afternoondigest #govt #panel #xijinping #topstories
How Dirt Affects Solar Panel Performance
Explore the scientific intricacies of dust buildup on solar panels and its significant implications for their efficiency, energy production, and overall role as renewable energy sources. Delve deeper to discover practical insights on potent solar panel cleaning machinery and methods in the subsequent sections of this blog post. Read for more -
#solarblog #energy #panel #Solar
Wir haben nunmehr quasi alle möglichen Lichtverhältnisse für Balkonkraftwerke bei uns durch und sauber in einer Datenbank abgespeichert.
Wir planen darauf basierend jetzt sehr einfach: ein Wechselrichter (Hoymiles 2000) mit 4 Eingängen, an jedem Eingang können 675 W eingehen. Wir holen uns also 8x 410Wp Panel, schalten je zwei in Reihe. Die formal 820 Wp haben wir nämlich nie erreicht, nicht einmal dicht. Jetzt in der Übergangszeit und nachher im Winter erst recht nicht.
Ich rechne realistisch mit 800 bis 1000 W die wir die nächsten 6 Monate als maximalen Peak über alle 4 Eingänge erzeugen. Davon nehmen wir uns selbst 400 bis 600 W und der Rest geht an den Netzbetreiber. (ich gehe aber eher von höchstens 200 W aus und die schlucken wir selbst mit links weg)
Mit Ende des nächsten Winters kommen noch zwei Laderegler dazu und ein Akku, der die Spitzen und einen Überschuss wegpuffert, damit nie mehr als 800 W eingespeist werden bzw. an den Eingängen wirklich nie über 600 W eingehen.
Fertig ist unsere persönliche Energiewende. Aktuelle Kosten: 4500 Euro + Kabel, durch das weitgehende Steckerfertig-Konfektionierte ohne Elektriker installierbar. Ersparnis pro Jahr basierend auf unseren gemessenen Werten (Verbrauch, Erzeugung etc.): 1500 Euro.
Wenn die Hardware geliefert wurde, gibts mehr Infos.
#solar #energiewende #akku #panel #laderegler #photovoltaik #selfmade
#solar #energiewende #akku #panel #laderegler #photovoltaik #selfmade
#CfP for the #panel "Reimagining Premodern #Disability: Excess, Surplus, Gain", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #@northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies
#cfp #panel #disability #nemla #fidavlnews
#CfP for the #panel "Troublesome Matters: #Materiality through Literature, Film, and Comics", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies
#cfp #panel #materiality #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews
#CfP for the #panel "Corporeal Technologies: Modifying and Augmenting the Body", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies
#cfp #panel #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews
A Mainframe Computer for the Modern Age - The era of mainframe computers and directly programming machines with switches is ... - #directprogramming #retrocomputing #minimainframe #mainframe #registers #hardware #memory #panel #retro
#retro #panel #memory #hardware #registers #mainframe #minimainframe #retrocomputing #directprogramming
I'm so happy that we're finally in a place where we can whip up a quick trajectory data exploration app with maps and graphs from rather arbitrary inputs, be it plain old csv with x/y in any crs known to proj, or fancy gis formats in just a few minutes.
It's minimal extra effort and seems to impress most people so much more than comparable plots in a notebook 🤷♀️😀
#MovingPandas #panel #hvplot #holoviz #holoviews #geoviews #geopandas
#movingpandas #panel #hvplot #holoviz #holoviews #geoviews #Geopandas
#CfP for the #panel "(Re)reading #feminist speculative #fiction post-Roe v. Wade", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #gender
#cfp #panel #feminist #fiction #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews #gender
#CfP for the #panel "Spectacle and #Empathy: The Role of #Excessive (Em)Body(ment) in #Narrative", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies @germanistik @italianstudies #AVL
#cfp #panel #empathy #excessive #narrative #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews #AVL
#CfP for the #panel "Balkanising #Classics: Theorising a New Perspective on #Greco-Roman #Antiquity", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA
#northeastMLA) convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies #AVL
#cfp #panel #classics #greco #antiquity #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews #AVL
#CfP for the #panel "Intersectional Crime Fiction: Investigating the #Genre", which will take place at the Northeast Modern Languages Association (#NeMLA #northeastMLA)
convention in Boston on March 7-10, 2024.
🗓️Deadline for Abstracts: September 30, 2023
📌Further Information: #fidavlnews @litstudies #Gender #Queer #race #CrimeFiction #Poetics #Intersectionality
#cfp #panel #genre #nemla #northeastmla #fidavlnews #gender #queer #race #crimefiction #poetics #intersectionality
I have three different pairs of octopus socks. As I was part of three different panels during the week of the 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions, I opted to wear those socks on my panel days. And I took photos to document my cephalopodic fashion. Tuesday was my Land-Ment ritual, Wednesday the myth/story discussion, and Thursday the Heathen/Christian dialog. Can you match the sock pattern to my panel? #parliament #PoWR #chicago #panel #interfaith #pagan #heathen #socks #cephalopod #octopus
#octopus #cephalopod #socks #heathen #pagan #interfaith #panel #Chicago #powr #parliament
I'm a recent convert to LXQt. Previously I used Xfce. On the Xfce panel, I had the dictionary app xfc4-dict. Is there something similar for the LXQt panel?
I did manage to find a weather app for the panel, that being meteo-qt, but I've yet to find a dictionary app. Is there one? I'm using Debian.
If there isn't a panel app, then a dictionary program recommendation would also be appreciated.
#lxqt #debian #linux #app #panel
On Wednesday evening, August 16, four pagans joined me for "Revisited, Recycled, and Revamped: How Pagans Use Myths for New Stories that Matter" at the Parliament of the World's Religions. We had a vibrant discussion on myth, story, and the power of narrative. At the end of the panel, I shared a QR code which has the URL for a page on my website with more biographical details and social contacts for each of my panelists... #Parliament #PoWR #pagan #heathen #panel #panelists #myth #story
#story #myth #panelists #panel #heathen #pagan #powr #parliament