Mmmm, tasty. 🦊😋🎙
✂️ @lupesuits
📷 @kaisunderg
🏨 #Aurawra23
#FursuitFriday #fursuitphoto #PhotoFurs #panelist #furryconvention
#aurawra23 #fursuitfriday #fursuitphoto #photofurs #panelist #furryconvention
Flights of Foundry 2023 Schedule Announced!
Earlier this year, I blogged a list of things I'd like to achieve in my writing career [which is a little different than goals as a writer, though there's some overlap] - from small to outrageous.
One of those was to start being a panelist at prominent SFF conventions. And here's the first on the list!
I'll b
#events #flightsoffoundry #livereading #panelist