Ist ja auch wichtig für den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt. Stell Dir mal vor, die Leute würden sich stattdessen wegen klimaschädlichem Verhalten in die Wolle kriegen. Oder müssten sich mit dem Verhalten und Erfolgen Deutschlands identifizieren, als mit irgendwelchen Gallionsfiguren.
Best (o worst, dipende) timeline ever.
#signoramia #doveandremoafinire #panemetcircenses
Today I drove by a Trump-as-Rambo flag, a ‘Guns God and Trump’ flag, two ‘Trump 2020’ banners, and a ‘Trump 2024, Take America Back’ banner. The cult are doubling down on their vandal king. Feels like we are in our late-stage Roman Empire era.
via @markmccaughrean
from Alt-text: "... adds up to a snapshot of modern civilisation consuming energy to produce crappy food & fly willy nilly around the world, killing us with climate change. And yet just like the Romans, as long as we have bread & circuses, we remain docile."
"Bread & circuses: a twenty-first century tableau at the sunset of yet another civilisation.
#cyclinglife #netherlands #panemetcircenses #climatechange #climatediary
King Charles reveals details of the hashtag to be used for all discussion of the coronation on social media:
C'est très bien le divertissement, #PanemEtCircenses, toussa toussa, mais on vit dans une société qui trouve normal de payer une "performeuse" autant qu'un chirurgien — et un "performeur" cent fois plus ! — mais des infirmières, des chercheurs et des enseignants au lance-pierre !
Diese digitale Arbeit mit dem Titel "Brot und Spiele" aus dem Jahr 2018 ist ab sofort in voller Auflösung neben anderen als NFT erhältlich:
#art #digital #nft #panemetcircenses
The real proponents of any #war are the one's who play both sides.
#Jacobin = CloudFlare.
#HeGetsUs = CloudFlare
#divideAndRule #panemetcircenses #cloudFlare #cheatingHumanity
#war #jacobin #hegetsus #divideandrule #panemetcircenses #cloudflare #cheatingHumanity
Team 'murika ... fuck yeah!
#panemetcircenses #CapitalistPropaganda
Oh joy …
It’s #PanemEtCircenses day in the U.S.
I think I’ll spend it #outside splitting wood and working on the new chicken (mansion 🙄) coop I’m #building.
#panemetcircenses #outside #building
@arinbasu1 @hutomp You’re right. I went to Penn State, which has the second largest stadium in the US after Ohio State. Beaver stadium and the football program casts a deep shadow on the region and the school.
I now work at another big football school and the spectacle of college football is deep. #panemetcircenses
ce boycott de la coupe de la honte est vraiment et de plus en plus une réussite #PanemEtCircenses
Le defaite de la Cefran, on s'en fout. 6500 morts. Je vomis la Coucoupe du Flouze. 🤑
#Qatargate #Fifagate #panemetcircenses
#Qatargate #fifagate #panemetcircenses
Available in the shop: www.poorfrankraw.co.uk/shop
#lettering #handcarved #stone #limestone #lettercarving #lettercutter #hoptonwood #limestone #latin #panemetcircenses #roman
#roman #panemetcircenses #latin #hoptonwood #lettercutter #lettercarving #limestone #stone #handcarved #lettering
Wagner, la rivoluzione e l’irresistibile sound delle chitarre elettriche https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/08/09/rocknroll-gods-wagner-e-lirresistibile-sound-delle-chitarre-elettriche/ #industriamusicalecapitalistica #L'operad'artedell'avvenire #amplificatoriMarshall #Louis-FerdinandCéline #SecondaGuerraMondiale #TheDarkSideoftheMoon #AnellodeiNibelunghi #immaginariodimassa #WhentheMusic'sOver #FestivaldiSanRemo #Arteerivoluzione #ElectricLadyland #FriedrichKittler #panemetcircenses #AbbeyRoad
#abbeyroad #panemetcircenses #FriedrichKittler #electricladyland #Arteerivoluzione #festivaldisanremo #WhentheMusic #immaginariodimassa #AnellodeiNibelunghi #thedarksideofthemoon #secondaguerramondiale #louis #amplificatoriMarshall #l #industriamusicalecapitalistica
Partenio, ore 14,45 https://www.carmillaonline.com/2018/07/18/partenio-ore-1445/ #Novantesimominuto #panemetcircenses #GiovanniIozzoli #AntonioSibilia #omicidibianchi #forza-lavoro #Isochimica #Narrativa #Avellino #overdose #Partenio #racconto #riflusso #Amianto #Irpinia #calcio #Stadio #Sport #Testi #sport #1982
#novantesimominuto #panemetcircenses #giovanniiozzoli #antoniosibilia #omicidibianchi #forza #isochimica #narrativa #avellino #overdose #partenio #racconto #riflusso #amianto #irpinia #calcio #stadio #sport #testi
Bon, le festival de Cannes, c'est parti, à suivre Roland Garros et, cerise putride sur le gâteau de l'abrutissement des masses, la coupe du monde de foot.
Ça fait beaucoup de temps de cerveau disponible !