Seems like a good place to wind up to me. It's been about 20 years since I first heard the term and I'm still learning what it means. I am very comfortable describing myself as a #Panentheist and used to think of #Panentheism and #ProcessTheology as being somewhat synonymous, but not anymore. I should dig in and learn more...📚
#processtheology #panentheism #panentheist
Seems like a good place to wind up to me. It's been about 20 years since I first heard the term and I'm still learning what it means. I am very comfortable describing myself as a #Panentheist and used to think of #Panentheism and #ProcessTheology as being somewhat synonymous, but not anymore. I should dig in and learn more...📚
#processtheology #panentheism #panentheist
@independentpen Hey there! Nice to meet you as well! I think I first labeled myself a #panentheist around the year 2000, and it stuck!
@independentpen Hey there! Nice to meet you as well! I think I first labeled myself a #panentheist around the year 2000, and it stuck!
My *theology* is #panentheist, because I believe that everything exists within the divine whole, which is comprised of, and yet greater than everything that is. For example, if you put a bunch of limbs, nerves, organs, bones, etc. into a pile next to a living being, you have the same components, and yet a human being is something more than just a collection of all its parts.
My *theology* is #panentheist, because I believe that everything exists within the divine whole, which is comprised of, and yet greater than everything that is. For example, if you put a bunch of limbs, nerves, organs, bones, etc. into a pile next to a living being, you have the same components, and yet a human being is something more than just a collection of all its parts.