@Kitty is hosting #TuneTuesday with @HailsandAles' prompt for #InvoluntaryAirGuitar.
This song fits that and #AirDrumming bills both and is said to help people with #PanicAttack.
Dream Theater: Panic Attack
#panicattack #airdrumming #involuntaryairguitar #tunetuesday
Had my first #panicattack since I was a kid. I thought I was having a heart attack due to how extreme it was. Might have been caused due to stress and the food I was eating which made inner gas inflate in my abdomen causing fear.
Gonna take it easy for a while. :ACNH_Sighing:
Ahhhhh I'm so tired of feeling isolated and alone. My anxiety is getting the better of me but I don't know what to do. Esp bc I'm also AuDHD and there seem to little supports irl I can reliably apply for and feel like I have a chance of getting. Esp since I'm sure my original DX for the asd part translates to lvl1 and it's so hard trying to convey to people I need more help than that indicates....
#AuDHD #anxiety #panicattack #panicattacks
Hope this helps someone!
How to Calm a #panicattack With a Highlighter https://laughingsquid.com/using-highligher-to-stop-panic-attack/
The game has a very strong #PTSD and #panicattack theme - both of which are represented very well with the audio/video. Trigger warnings for suicide, animals being harmed as well as a lot of combat & police violence.
the amount of acronyms used by research data storage systems/solutions vendors when addressing a broad audience, dear gods, make it stop #panicattack
Huge problems with the queue at Snax last weekend –5 hours long, 10 people wide, barely moving, and the path was full of obstacles.
I really hope Berghain doesn't sit back and do nothing. It’s getting worse each year.
#Berghain #ClubCulture#Snax #Party #PanicAttack#Queue #queer #LGBT #Berlin
#berlin #lgbt #queer #panicattack #party #Clubculture #Berghain
What else goes with embroidered, rainbow magnets? A panic attack! Happy Saturday! Wheeeeee!!! #workingartist #embroideryartist #handmade #panicattack
#workingartist #embroideryartist #handmade #panicattack
Some days don't make you feel great. Some days make you feel like shit. #Anxiety is a miserable #misstress and she is certainly in bed with me #today. Since I've been #writing a lot lately, I thought I would see what I could put together while being in almost #panicattack mode. It's not a happy #poem, but like I said, some days don't make you feel great.
Poem for an Anxious Sunday Afternoon
#anxiety #misstress #today #writing #panicattack #poem #poetry #blog #writer #writers
« locus coeruleus I » #photography #blackAndWhite #noirEtBlanc
#schwarzweissfotografie #blending #visualArt #angst #angoisse #panicAttack #experimentalPhotography
#experimentalphotography #panicattack #angoisse #angst #visualart #blending #schwarzweissfotografie #noiretblanc #BlackAndWhite #photography
(dans le prochain on parlera des boissons et des accords mets - boissons sans alcool) #panicattack
Is it #weird that I had a #PanicAttack regarding my #GhostClothes (if I die in surgery in a couple of weeks)?
Like, will the doctors or coroners get my body dressed fast enough? I want to spend eternity in comfy pajamas with pockets, and a hoodie.
Should I bring a personal item into the surgical suite for my potential #ghost to #haunt?
Do other people #worry about things like that?
#JoinIn and share the #IrrationalThoughts that keep you up at night!
#weird #panicattack #ghostclothes #ghost #haunt #worry #joinin #irrationalthoughts
Hello #friends! I was meditating today and wanted to share this thought with all of you.
I used to love the peaceful #silence of realtity. I would sit in a silent house and marvel at its #stillness. I would sit outside and listen to the #birds, #wind, and #cars around the neighborhood. So when my ear ringing (#tinnitus) started, those things didn't have the same effect. They have all been replaced by EEEEIIIIIIIIEEEEEIIIIIIIEEE. I still enjoy the #outdoor sounds, but it's like looking through dirty glass. I can see everything on the other side, but it's kinda blury.
So, rather than meditating through silence, I medidate through #ringing. For me, the ringing in my ears is the #universe calling back to me. If I stop hearing it, I'm probably #dead. I remember coming down off of a #PanicAttack one night and I accepted that this is the universe now. And surpringly, I've felt better ever since. So
Pictured is a #SingingBowl which I now use to enhace the ringing sometimes for comfort.
#friends #silence #stillness #birds #wind #Cars #tinnitus #outdoor #ringing #universe #dead #panicattack #singingbowl
Kotaku: Internet Says 'Same' After Seeing Joel In The Last Of Us Show Have Panic Attacks https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-part-1-tlou-hbo-joel-anxiety-meds-ellie-1850145039 #gaming #tech #kotaku #posttraumaticstressdisorder #entertainment2cculture #psychiatricdiagnosis #abnormalpsychology #anxietydisorders #humanbehavior #pedropascal #panicattack #naughtydog #joeldexter #troybaker #articles #humans #stress #sarah #ellie #joel #hbo #rtt
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #posttraumaticstressdisorder #entertainment2cculture #psychiatricdiagnosis #abnormalpsychology #anxietydisorders #humanbehavior #pedropascal #panicattack #NaughtyDog #joeldexter #troybaker #articles #Humans #stress #sarah #ellie #joel #hbo #rtt
The worst part about anxiety attacks, is that you’re aware it’s irrational and sometimes unexplainable, but knowing that gives no aid what so ever
#panicattack #mentalhealth #anxiety
Clicking around videos went from new one 1-2-3-4-5 by Em Beilhold to old one, I Got You by Split Enz whose drummer Paul Hester committed #suicide after decades of depression “I don’t know why sometimes I get frightened you can see my eyes and tell that I’m not lying” which to me sounds like a #PanicAttack which grounding helps #WhyImCryingToday #MentalHealth #TalkAboutFeelings #ArtSavesUsAll
#artsavesusall #talkaboutfeelings #mentalhealth #whyimcryingtoday #panicattack #suicide
Clicking around videos went from new one 1-2-3-4-5 by Em Beilhold to old one, I Got You by Split Enz whose drummer Paul Hester committed #suicide after decades of depression “I don’t know why sometimes I get frightened you can see my eyes and tell that I’m not lying” which to me sounds like a #PanicAttack which grounding helps #WhyImCryingToday #MentalHealth #TalkAboutFeelings #ArtSavesUsAll
#artsavesusall #talkaboutfeelings #mentalhealth #whyimcryingtoday #panicattack #suicide
Woke up late last night to the first panic attack I've had in a long time. Finances and impending surgery has got my brain all fucky. Spent close to an hour shaky with cold sweats. I've been off ativan for 2 years, but fuck some would have been nice.
#panicattack #panicattackatthedisco #mentalhealth
Got sigh https://apple.news/AWubtYb3vR_-Z6uMkVcW47A #anxiety #stress #panicattack #panicattacks #panicDisorder
#anxiety #stress #panicattack #panicattacks #panicdisorder