After going to great lengths to finish the #Christmas cake and mince pies, I have discovered that there’s an entire #pannetone still waiting to be eaten!
Pannetone, #Pannetone.
Haben Sie hingegen schon einmal frische Nürnberger Elisen-Lebkuchen probiert?
@Dramagirl Oh, goodness. My mother was all about #pannetone this time of year. That and German gingerbread cookies -- #lebkuchen? That photo brings back memories!
@aalcaine @agtoc @josepmasso aguesta dimenjada m'an parlat d'ua pastisseria que se ditz SUCRE en #Alcarràs on, segontes diden, son excepcionaus.
Here as well #panettone
🦌Starting to look a lot like Christmas ⛄
😋 #pannetone fresh from the artisan baker
- Tu fais comment tes courses à vélo quand il neige?
- Bah à vélo, pourquoi?
#pannetone #neige #vtt