Spotting #Pansexuals on #Pansexual Visibility Day *waves from under my Bisexual umbrella* #PanVisibilityDay
#pansexuals #pansexual #panvisibilityday
🪷 24 May is #PansexualVisibilityDay & #PanRomanticAwarenessDay. #Pansexuality is attraction to people regardless of their gender. We celebrate #Pan Vis day by learning more about our #pansexual siblings. Here are 5 things to know about #pansexuals: 🪷
#pansexualvisibilityday #panromanticawarenessday #pansexuality #pan #pansexual #pansexuals
Just seen the data about sexuality from the #2021Census, 112,000 #pansexuals - for some reason I expected a lot more of us! Though its my first time officially identifying myself as that, I've often put 'prefer not to say' down instead.
Transmen are men
Transwomen are women
Transsexuals are part of the LGBTQIA+
Non binaries are valid
Pansexuals are valid
Neurodivergants are valid
Non able bodied folk are valid
Indeginous people are valid
People of colour matter
Other cultures are valid
Furries are valid
Therians are harmless
Be. Nice. To. Others.
#transphobesarenotwelcomed #supportusall #don #peopleofcolour #furries #therians #cultures #neurodivergant #physicallydisabled #pansexuals #indeginous #lgbtqia