A christian, a jew, a muslim, and an erisian walk into a bar.
The erisian turns to the others, "Hey, have y'all heard the one about us?"
#Humor #Humour #BadJoke #ThisWasSupposedToBeFunny
(It's not really a party until a Zarathustrian gets invited, just… nobody tell Greyface.)
#Diversity #Inclusion #Pantheism #Unserious #HootinTootinTuesday
#humor #humour #badjoke #thiswassupposedtobefunny #diversity #inclusion #pantheism #unserious #hootintootintuesday
:pentagram: Pagans, Polytheists, Witches, Occultists, Spiritualists, Astrologers, Diviners, and Mystics of the Fediverse :pentagram:
Below is a list of users who self-identify with one or more of the labels above. This list is intended to make it easier for us to find one another across the Fediverse!
If you'd like to be added to this list, please comment on the post linked here: https://pagan.plus/@khthoniaa/110534654608378330
#Witch #witchcraft #pagan #paganism #polytheism #theism #spiritual #spirit #spirituality #mystic #mysticism #magick #occult #occultism #divination #astrology #tarot #thelema #wicca #religion #pantheism #animism
#witch #witchcraft #Pagan #paganism #polytheism #theism #spiritual #spirit #spirituality #mystic #mysticism #magick #occult #occultism #Divination #astrology #Tarot #thelema #wicca #religion #pantheism #animism
Argument for Pandeism/Pantheism:
If everything depends on the Universe, but the Universe depends on nothing, then the Universe is for all intents and purposes a GOD/DESS!!!
To understand that Universe as such, is to WORSHIP it as such.
#pandeism #pantheism #prettygnosticmachine
I really resonate with this article, especially this part: "I find that the problem of meaning in this void is often best addressed by a type of #pantheism, an embrace of that change. More than a former Christian, what I think of myself on some days as is an aspiring pagan."
I'm not wholly convinced of his argument, and hopefully I can write about why later this week, but on the whole it is excellent.
Why we need a new expression of the sacred: a #pagan #theology
Here’s my question. Are they going to give equal time to all religions for prayer & iconoclastic symbols? #Muslim? #Judaism? #Hindu? Indigenous People’s Religions? What about non traditional religions? #Pagan? #Pantheism? #Naturalism? #Jediism? #Antitheism?
What about those who have no religion, are they supposed to pray?
For those who think we’re a Christian nation, we’re NOT! These people are OUT of control and must be stopped!
H/T to @SpockResists for the subject
#muslim #judaism #hindu #pagan #pantheism #naturalism #jediism #antitheism
Titel: Feuerwesen treffen Windwesen (fiery-beings encountering wind-beings); Acryl auf Malkarton (on cardboard) ca 300g/qm; 71,9 x 102cm (28.3 x 40.2"); Januar 2020;
Link: https://gallery.b22.de/werk/?Qwd=./Wirkwelten/Wesen%20_%20beings&Qif=Feuerwesen%20treffen%20Windwesen.jpg&Qiv=thumbs&Qis=FS
#redandbluepainting #beings #wesen #Geistwesen #spiritbeings #feuerwesen #windwesen #fierybeings #windbeings #abstractfigurative #surrealism #spritualart #pantheism #pantheismus #visionaryart #fairyworld #outsiderart #artbrut #mysticalartworks #Bensheim #Zwingenberg #artfrankfurt #artnews #art #kunst
#kunst #art #artnews #artfrankfurt #Zwingenberg #bensheim #mysticalartworks #artbrut #outsiderart #fairyworld #visionaryart #pantheismus #pantheism #spritualart #surrealism #abstractfigurative #windbeings #fierybeings #windwesen #feuerwesen #spiritbeings #geistwesen #wesen #beings #redandbluepainting
#PhillipClayton - What is #PerfectBeing #Theology?
#Philosophy #History #TheologicalHistory #Perfection #God #Infinity #Being #PerfectBeingTheology #Divinity #TheDevine #Ultimism #Pantheism #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #pantheism #ultimism #thedevine #divinity #perfectbeingtheology #being #infinity #god #perfection #theologicalhistory #history #philosophy #theology #perfectbeing #phillipclayton
"I don't follow any religious construct, but I think nature and God are the same thing. The mysterious origin of life — science tells us how it happened, prophecy tells us another story. I found that everything in nature — the complexity, the biodiversity, the symbiotic relationships — is the same thing other people attribute to God."
—Harrison Ford
I would love to hear more about that, but can I first clarify if you are discussing #pantheism or #panentheism? There is a distinction that was made less clear by my "helpful graphic". 😂
I understand pantheism as God is everything, but with panentheism, God is IN everything.
IMO, God is just shorthand for the intial #singularity of the #BigBang.
The one thing, the source, the #unitive #consciousness
#pantheism #panentheism #singularity #bigbang #unitive #consciousness
May we raise children who love the unloved things - the dandelion, the worms & spiderlings.
#Nature #permaculture #parenting #wisdom #pantheism
The free will explanation for the problem of evil leads to one of three conclusions:
1. Free will is evil.
2. God is evil (for giving humans free will).
3. Having multiple beings with free will is the equivalent of having multiple copies of God. This is a problem because God apparently cannot get along well with themselves.
#pantheism #humansarepiecesofgod
In much #indigenous #mesoamerican #spiritual thought, there is no enemy of the Gods, no enemy of creation. Every agent of #teotl, every being, lives in conviviality with every other being and has a purpose that serves creation.
#Mexicayotl #Huehuemexicayotl #Aztec #Chicano #Xicano #polytheism #pantheism #animism
#animism #pantheism #polytheism #xicano #chicano #aztec #huehuemexicayotl #mexicayotl #teotl #spiritual #Mesoamerican #indigenous
“We need to go to the #earth, as the source from whence we came, and ask for its #guidance, for the earth carries the psychic structure as well as the physical form of every living being upon the planet.” #ThomasBerry #integralchristianity #mysticism #permaculture #SpiralDynamics #pagan #spirituality #quotes #wisdom #consciousness #transcendence #devotion #wholeness #earth #nature #newcosmology, #pantheism #interconnectedness #beauty
#earth #guidance #thomasberry #integralchristianity #mysticism #permaculture #spiraldynamics #pagan #spirituality #quotes #wisdom #consciousness #transcendence #devotion #wholeness #Nature #newcosmology #pantheism #interconnectedness #beauty
First chapter of the book Betraying Spinoza by Rebecca Goldstein, reprinted by the NYT
NYTimes: 'Betraying Spinoza'
'Betraying Spinoza' https://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/18/books/chapters/0618-1st-golds.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuonUktbdrYhkTlUaCybfWt8ktVqNhfHX3LEmnTimcnHFDG9Z06EaBIyM4AHNea9nLZMV7giseeVgYvUpVeAgiahWJVBsQA2l5cfZyMVcLXo-7NvrUm1zgsOSBvVo-DK3KzCwdb92ye224ELfPHL4G_CKiQ1XLw5noJpud1mh22VZhfuWV74ohaQtmKspFZt4RjwfZCKVvvKOCxR2O9iObxG0-RBhEqgCGmmVxYjAnupGJAZCClvGT2d84nI_775fMdAXOaX9J30waZGbfVQ2-JfjbqVlZLhUzSk
#Spinoza #Judaism #Humanism #Pantheism #HumanisticJudaism
#Mazeldon @mazeldon
#spinoza #judaism #humanism #pantheism #HumanisticJudaism #Mazeldon
@vlrny Actually I donæ tend to post much on either #Quakerism nor #Pantheism. It might interest you that I do describe myself thusly on census-forms! Ha ha ha I tend to share more about these matters with chums on f/b.
I wrote a blog post addressing #atheism, #pantheism, #polytheism, and #theology in both #MesoamericanStudies #academia and the #indigenous #chicano movement wrt what we "know" about the #aztecs
To both: stop using Christian theology to define your entire frame of reference.
#aztecs #chicano #indigenous #academia #mesoamericanstudies #theology #polytheism #pantheism #atheism