#WritingWonders 30/8. Have you ever planned to kill a character and then not done it?
No. I'm not in the habit of killing characters anyway. And I don’t usually plan either. #pantser
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I 💜 Pantsers!
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#writersproblems #writerslife #writers #writerscommunity #authorslife #authorproblems #authorscommunity #WritingCommunity #kdsmiththewriter #plotterorpantser #pantser #writersofmastodon #authorsofmastodon
Plotter or pantser? Combo?
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#kdsmiththewriter #WritingCommunity #writer #authorlife #authorproblems #writerlife #author #writerslife #writersproblems #pantser #writersofmastodon #authorsofmastodon
#WritingWonders Day 9: What are you good at writing?
My characters like to talk. Dialogue between them just seems to flow easily. Most of it is probably unnecessary and it often goes way off topic, to the point I have a hard time reeling things back in.
I can write it, but that doesn't mean it's any good, or that I have much control.
Where I want a scene to end up and the finished article rarely match. Occasionally it's better than I hoped, other times not so much.
#wip #amwriting #pantser #writingwonders
#WritingWonders 7/7 Favourite stage of writing a story? Why?
As an unrepentant #pantser, I love those moments when I sit down with little or no idea what’s going to happen next and then it starts to come together.
Second to that are the times when I read over something I drafted a while back and think, ‘okay, needs a bit of tweaking, but it’s on the right lines’.
#writingCommunity #ThreeKindsofNorth
#threekindsofnorth #writingcommunity #pantser #writingwonders
#WritingWonders What is your favourite stage of writing a story? Why?
I love the initial awakening of a character. Mulling over who they are, what they like, fear, hate, who hurt them, who will they fall into love/lust with.
The initial few chapters are easy - if horribly messy - then things begin to coalesce into something coherent. Hopefully by the end I have a story that is sexy, with some drama and heartbreak.
Why? Because I'm a dreamer.
#shifters #kink #queerromance #amwriting #pantser #writingwonders
Latest newsletter is out - in it I explore the all important topic of #outlining. If you're puzzled about whether to outline your novel, and when, give it a read.
#outlining #amwriting #pantser
As a #writer and #author, I reject the idea that I must be a #plotter or a #pantser.
I'm a #planner. When I have an idea, I test it by building a sequence of tent pole moments and think about arcs for the Main and Obstacle characters.
If the idea feels sustainable and interesting, I use this pre-work to guide my writing, but I don't feel constrained. Truth is, as you write a #novel, you learn things you couldn't know until you've written it.
#writer #author #plotter #pantser #planner #novel #writingcommunity #amwriting
No podcast again today as we are on a short break (but you can of course catch up with all our old episodes!)
Instead, a question for all you #writers: Are you a #planner or #pantser when you write your stories?
#amwriting #writingcommunity #pantser #planner #writers
A1: I am a pantser/discovery writer for the most part.
I marinate stories for a long time before committing them to Word/paper usually, unless writing a short for a prompt.
On occasion, I have done something I call "tent-posting." It isn't outlining, but sometimes a story wants to be told when I need to finish something else. So I'll write tent-posts so I don't lose steam and can work on it later.
#Writephant #writing #pantser #WritingCommunity #writinglife
#writephant #writing #pantser #writingcommunity #writinglife
As I think about it, I grow less and less happy with the direction the story was taken.
I'm sold on the idea of ignoring what I already wrote. What I'm not sure is if I just keeping going from where I am, ignoring the ideas who jumped in as I was writing ; or of I go hardcore and wipe everything clean.
It is about 3000 words only.
#Writing #WritingCommunity #TheCloudsea #FirstDraft #Pantser #Fantasy
#writing #writingcommunity #thecloudsea #firstdraft #pantser #fantasy
#RomanceWonders for February 19: Start with MC & design a partner or start with 2 and make them fall...
Start with a boy and a girl separated by events who will come together and defeat the 'bad guy'.
Then...write a scene where the boy shoots a tiger, and then a guy falls out of a tree and breaks his leg, and the boy magically fixes it, and suddenly they’re looking into each other’s eyes....oh, er, sorry kid, so *that's* your story?
Time to find the girl a different partner...
Adverb paranoia aside, I finished a chapter just now.
I’m scared & excited to see where the characters take me next. They always surprise me.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #pantser
As I sit here writing down the magic system, social structure, and general outline for my next story, I'm suddenly sure of one thing: I am *definitely* a pantser. 😂
#WritingCommunity #AmWriting #Writer #Fantasy #FantasyRomance #Pantser
#writingcommunity #amWriting #writer #fantasy #fantasyromance #pantser
I do love these THR roundtables, I could listen to people talk about their craft all day long.
Anyway, Martin McDonagh is a #pantser, which (as someone else in the panel said) is amazing.
#pantser #writing #writingcommunity #amwriting
i think...i think i did it. i outlined...a complete novel...all on my own...beginning-middle-end-everything... * squeals in pantser *
#writerslife #pantser #AmWriting #AmOutlining #AuDHD #AuDHDWriters
#audhdwriters #AuDHD #amoutlining #amwriting #pantser #writerslife
@SergKoren Good question. I'm a total #pantser as a writer but I do manage a bit of planning IRL. And luckily I have a partner who makes sure we do think ahead.