At last! I was lucky enough to see six Bearded Tit (or Bearded Reedling if you prefer) only twenty minutes from where I live and on the River Exe. The mixed flock of males and females were feeding on top of the reeds and I had great 'scope views. They were a little too far for a decent photo (see below) but I did manage some video. Enjoy!
#BeardedTit #BeardedReedling #ukbirding #birding #Devon #wildlife #HappyDays #PanurusBiarmicus
#panurusbiarmicus #happydays #wildlife #devon #birding #ukbirding #beardedreedling #BeardedTit
My most recent blog post, over on Blipfoto:
#BritishBirds #BirdsOfMastodon #BeerdedReedling #BeardedTit #PanurusBiarmicus #widlife #nature #CanonR5
#britishbirds #birdsofmastodon #beerdedreedling #beardedtit #panurusbiarmicus #Widlife #nature #canonr5