#Autore non identificato - #PaoloStoppa in "Stazione Termini" di #VittorioDeSica, 1952
#autore #paolostoppa #vittoriodesica #photography #italian #cinema
La vanità è una delle professioni più assiduamente esercitate dagli uomini di tutti i tempi.
attore #NatoOggi a Roma nel 1906 https://www.desordre.it/desordre/2006/06/paolo_stoppa.html
#6giugno #cinemastodon #botd #paolostoppa #NatoOggi
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
⭐ Claudia Cardinale, Henry Fonda, Jason Robards, Charles Bronson, Gabriele Ferzetti, Paolo Stoppa
🎥 Sergio Leone
🌍 La Calahorra, Granada, Spain 🇪🇸
#OnceUponaTimeintheWest #SergioLeone #ClaudiaCardinale #HenryFonda #JasonRobards #CharlesBronson #GabrieleFerzetti #PaoloStoppa #LaCalahorra #Granada #Spain
#onceuponatimeinthewest #sergioleone #claudiacardinale #henryfonda #jasonrobards #charlesbronson #gabrieleferzetti #paolostoppa #lacalahorra #granada #spain
72 years ago:
Miracle in Milan (IT)
Original title: Miracolo a Milano
Once upon a time an old woman discovers a baby in her cabbage patch. She brings up the child and, when she dies, the boy, Toto, enters an orphanage. Toto leaves the orphanage a happy young man, and looks for work in post-war Milan. He ends up with the homeless and organizes them to build a shanty to...
#MiracleinMilan #VittorioDeSica #PaoloStoppa #AnnaCarena #ClassicFilm #Film
#miracleinmilan #VittorioDeSica #paolostoppa #annacarena #classicfilm #film
72 years ago:
Miracle in Milan (IT)
Original title: Miracolo a Milano
Once upon a time an old woman discovers a baby in her cabbage patch. She brings up the child and, when she dies, the boy, Toto, enters an orphanage. Toto leaves the orphanage a happy young man, and looks for work in post-war Milan. He ends up with the homeless and organizes them to build a shanty to...
#MiracleinMilan #VittorioDeSica #PaoloStoppa #AnnaCarena #ClassicFilm #Film
#miracleinmilan #VittorioDeSica #paolostoppa #annacarena #classicfilm #film
Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
⭐ Claudia Cardinale, Henry Fonda, Jason Robards, Charles Bronson, Gabriele Ferzetti, Paolo Stoppa
🎥 Sergio Leone
🌍 La Calahorra Train Station, Granada, Spain 🇪🇸
#OnceUponaTimeintheWest #SergioLeone #ClaudiaCardinale #HenryFonda #JasonRobards #CharlesBronson #GabrieleFerzetti #PaoloStoppa #LaCalahorraTrainStation #Granada #Spain
#onceuponatimeinthewest #sergioleone #claudiacardinale #henryfonda #jasonrobards #charlesbronson #gabrieleferzetti #paolostoppa #lacalahorratrainstation #granada #spain