@mortenfrisch You can write the entire paper (text, citations, code and all) as one reproducible document with RStudio, git, GitHub and #zotero. If you want APA-style you can use Rmarkdown and the excellent #papaja package. Quarto is possible as well. Can’t remember the name/source of the apa7 quarto template, but can dig it up if you want. As others mention this takes some discipline and willingness to learn by all involved.
7 tips on how to write a rebuttal/revision letter by Stefano Palminteri:
papaja‘s revision letter template can automate 4 of these for you:
I would like to mention that #RKWard @rkward is starting to provide papaja code snippets as of version 0.7.5.
More likely in the future.
German speakers, @ZPID has published a video recording of my #papaja workshop for the series "Practices and Tools of Open Science":
Materials are in English:
Use this PsychNotebooks to jump in:
@agata I was almost hoping someone would ask, so I got the opportunity to mention it. 😆 I've been a fan of #papaja for a few years, and I have one published paper written in it's entirety with the package. I highly recommend it. But I also understand the future is #quarto, not #Rmarkdown. Best of luck! If you are able to share experiences with the APA template, it would be much appreciated.
@Drmowinckels I know I will! Concerning the question someone asked about an #APA template for #quarto , some work has been initiated here, by @FrederikAust, author of the awesome #papaja package: https://github.com/crsh/qapaja
A question for other #rstats people writing papers with #quarto #rmarkdown #papaja : Coauthors fluent in #git and #github is gold, but there’s always need to get input from someone who requires a word document: supervisors, a language service, a friendly review… What are solutions for merging changes that is not a PR? I’m currently at «manually copy/pasting changes sentence by sentence back into the rmd document». Anything even slightly more efficient would be very welcome! #phd #psych #research
#rstats #quarto #rmarkdown #papaja #git #github #phd #psych #research
#papaja, #rstats and #knitr people: Can you change line spacing and font when knitting to PDF? Been collaborating on a paper, and we've knitted to PDF by default. Ended up just below 40 pages - perfect! But a submission deadline is nearing, and we needed a word version. Turns out it is at 45 pages! Done side-by side comp. Seems the PDF is not Times New Roman. Also, line spacing is different. We get around 27 lines on a PDF page, but 24 in the Word version. Ideas? @FrederikAust
Is there a way to use the built in #rstudio citation tool in source mode? I can only access it from visual mode, and it’s impractical to switch back and forth while writing, for several reasons. I prefer to write papers in source mode with the #papaja package, and although I love the new citation tool I miss #citr for this reason. Does anyone know if there’s a workaround or something? #rstats @Posit @FrederikAust
#rstudio #papaja #citr #rstats
Some days ago I saw a thread on twitter where people mentioned their favourite "non-obvious" #rstats package (like, not #ggplot or #dplyr). Can't find the original tweet and can't remember who it was, sorry. But anyway, I'll try to kick off the mastodon equivalent: Mine is #papaja, by @FrederikAust and Marius Barth. Once I tried it it has become impossible to write articles in any other way. 🤓 https://github.com/crsh/papaja What’s yours? #psych #phd
#rstats #ggplot #dplyr #papaja #psych #phd
just want to reaffirm that our lab stans (is that how you slang?) #papaja and is ever grateful to @FrederikAust , e.g. below
For computationally reproducible analyses, give https://www.psychnotebook.org/ a try!
Setting up a container (including RStudio/JupyterLab, R packages, and system libraries) is super easy and it will be ready to go in an instant (looking at you Binder...).
If you install #papaja, the LaTeX requirements are included automatically. It's really slick and completely free; run by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology.
I'm not sure what the computational resources are, but this is a potential game changer.
Has anyone tried writing an article in #quarto and then using a word template to create a word document that aligns with #apa style? Although I love the #papaja package in #rmarkdown to write manuscripts, i feel that I run into fewer compiling errors with quarto manuscripts. #AcaWriter #rstudio #psychology
#psychology #rstudio #AcaWriter #rmarkdown #papaja #apa #quarto