Jürgen Wiese · @LePuplesum
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Day 12 - A Song From Your Preteen Years

I think I only consciously discovered most of the from the in the and or even much later, but then very intensively.

, or .

Great songs like , , .


#30daysongchallenge #music #70s #80s #90s #anotherbrickinthewall #bohemianrhapsody #papawasarollingstone #punk #LondonCalling #godsavethequeen #blitzkriegbop

Last updated 2 years ago

R.I.P. Barrett Strong. He wrote (and first sang) “Money (That’s what I want)” as well as many iconic songs for the Temps and others.

#hearditthroughthegrapevine #ballofconfusion #justmyimagination #papawasarollingstone #barrettstrong #normanwhitfield

Last updated 2 years ago