#PeatPaper #PaperAlert.
I was invited to write this Commentary:
Joining forces with Bjorn Robroek @Radboud_uni, we discuss how a recent study contributes to the scientific understanding on the role plant-soil interactions play in the carbon-sink function of #peatlands.
Sphagnum mosses may not be the only ecosystem engineers in peatlands, as the ericoid mycorrhizal symbiosis engineers #carbon and #nutrient cycling in nutrient poor bogs.
#peatpaper #paperalert #peatlands #carbon #nutrient #science #ecology
Ever wondered about environmental #benefits of bio-based building #materials 🌱 and what a combo with #lowtech passive #solar building #design can a do for fulfilling #climate #targets? 🌞 Well, lets find out! 👇 #PaperAlert!🎉
We present two #articles conducting #LifeCycleAssessment of #RegenerativeDesign #Strategies - Out now in #BuildingsAndEnergy!
1) Bio-based material solutions: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gVwr1M7zH8c8a
2) Low-tech passive solar building design: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gUsS1M7zH8bwg
#OpenAccess (50 days)
#benefits #materials #lowtech #solar #design #climate #targets #paperalert #articles #lifecycleassessment #RegenerativeDesign #strategies #buildingsandenergy #openaccess
RT @mrtn_rck
Ever wondered about environmental #benefits of bio-based building #materials 🌱 and what a combo with #lowtech passive #solar building #design can a do for fulfilling #climate #targets? 🌞 Well, lets find out! 👇 #PaperAlert!🎉
#benefits #materials #lowtech #solar #design #climate #targets #paperalert
@jessi_K309 & M.Schmitt from #SpielmannLab & al. analysed unknown proteins of an entire #Malaria P. falciparum chromosome. The gene-by-gene screening in collaboration with #BártfaiLab @Radboud_Uni revealed processes of interest as drug targets & insights into mitosis.
RT @CellSystemsCP
Kimmel et al. analyze the cellular location, essentiality, function, and in selected cases, the interactome of all unknown non-secreto…
#paperalert #spielmannlab #malaria #bartfailab
A new #peatpaper from our group by Harry Shepherd, Bjorn Robroek, and others. Can the use of soil inoculation fast-track post-fire 🔥 #peatland recovery? Yes it can, but only if we raise the water table.
Read the full open access publication here:
#mosstodon #ecology #conservation #restoration #ScienceMastodon #PaperAlert
#peatpaper #peatland #Mosstodon #ecology #conservation #restoration #ScienceMastodon #paperalert
RT @HIMAG_Leipzig@twitter.com
#paperalert There’s more to myoglobin than oxygen transport. Our MolecularObesityResearch group led by John Heiker investigated the muscle protein at work in brown adipose tissue and how it impacts BAT metabolism and thermogenesis in vitro&in vivo. Check out their new paper🔥💪
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HIMAG_Leipzig/status/1601159685557870592
#PaperAlert by lead author Boer Cui & colleagues, "Modal #equity of #accessibility to #HealthCare in #Recife, #Brazil
They found accessibility to healthcare facilities by #PublicTransport
& by car in Recife, Brazil displays inequitable patterns by modes & times of day, & propose a method to target areas of interventions and the type of land use and transport interventions that would contribute most to improvements in accessibility.
Read it free: https://www.jtlu.org/index.php/jtlu/article/view/2103
#openaccess #publictransport #Brazil #Recife #healthcare #accessibility #equity #paperalert
I landed on #mastodon with my first-ever publication! A little about warning signaling 🔴⚠️and parental care on poison frogs ☠️🐸 #EECO # cienciacriolla #paperalert #EvolutionaryEcology https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10682-022-10219-z
#Mastodon #eeco #paperalert #evolutionaryecology