🧷 Farewell Vivienne Westwood.🧷 #viviennewestwood #collage #paperandglue #artjournal #art #AnalogueArt #rip
#RIP #AnalogueArt #Art #artjournal #paperandglue #Collage #VivienneWestwood
Tillikum Crossing gets the bizniss. #collage #paperandglue #artjournal #notsterile
#notsterile #artjournal #paperandglue #Collage
Since this new sketchbook is going to be around a while (she’s thicc) I decided to put something I wanted to see inside the cover.
This started with the phrase "Memory Lasts" and chunk of a pretty great note left for me a while back on the kitchen counter.
#Art #artjournal #sketchbook #butter #paperandglue #Collage
Since this new sketchbook is going to be around a while (she’s thicc) I decided to put something I wanted to see inside the cover.
This started with the phrase "Memory Lasts" and chunk of a pretty great note left for me a while back on the kitchen counter.
#Art #artjournal #sketchbook #butter #paperandglue #Collage
Since this new sketchbook is going to be around a while (she’s thicc) I decided to put something I wanted to see inside the cover.
This started with the phrase "Memory Lasts" and chunk of a pretty great note left for me a while back on the kitchen counter.
#collage #paperandglue #butter #sketchbook #artjournal #art
#Art #artjournal #sketchbook #butter #paperandglue #Collage