[Thanks to creators 4/7 - Games]
We play #BoardGames
Thank you to the creators of:
#ApogeeANewSpaceTale #DTDAGames
#BurglarBros #FowersGames
#CastlePanic #JustinDeWitt
#DwarfMine #PaperDiceGames
#ForbiddenIsland @mleacock
#GalaxyTrucker #VlaadaChvátil
#LizardsAndLies @scottdejong
#PanicLab #DominiqueEhrhard
#Wingspan @elizhargrave
I play video games less - and not well: #EU4, #HOI4, #CitiesSkylines.
Thanks to @bretdevereaux for writing about #CK3 which made me try #EU4 again.
#boardgames #apogeeanewspacetale #dtdagames #burglarbros #fowersgames #castlepanic #justindewitt #dwarfmine #paperdicegames #forbiddenisland #galaxytrucker #vlaadachvatil #lizardsandlies #paniclab #dominiqueehrhard #wingspan #eu4 #hoi4 #citiesskylines #ck3
Good morning!
From next door comes the rattle-rattle of our two kids (6,11) playing Dwarf Mine, interspersed with declarations of the number resulting and shouts of some glee at each outcome.
I bought #DwarfMine by #PaperDiceGames earlier this year as part of a bundle benefiting #MedecinsSansFrontieres it’s been a huge hit. It’s a solo game - they play in parallel.
They don’t know it yet, but they’re getting a couple of the expansions for Christmas.
#dwarfmine #paperdicegames #MedecinsSansFrontieres