Wrote about some stuff using #paperpile. Went away to do stuff. Came back to write some more about stuff. Reminded just how amazing #paperpile is.
#PubMed search works great, but export formats for search results aren't nice.
#Paperpile provides a handy and free web-tool, you might find useful as well: https://paperpile.com/t/pmid-to-excel-converter/
#academicchat #literature #review
#pubmed #paperpile #academicchat #literature #review
If you are a user of Paperpile and Obsidian and you would like to add citations to your notes - here is a workaround using the Citations plugin in Obsidian. Adapted from the way the Zotero plugin works and is a reasonable alternative. #Paperpile #Obsidian #Citation #Zettelkasten #Bibliography #Bibtex.
#paperpile #obsidian #citation #zettelkasten #bibliography #bibtex
@vartak @harcel Paperpile plus Google docs is an absolute dream. Been using it for papers and grants years now and it just works, probably a hundred documents so far. They added a reference style including PMCIDs for NIH grants for us years ago! I recall maybe one glitch in all that time. #PaperPile #ReferenceManager
Has anyone used #PaperPile and is it better than #Zotero 😑??? Just when I was falling in love with Z may have to shift to PP 😑😑😑😑😑