Im #Künstlerbedarf gibs es 100Blatt Zeichenkarton (ca. 150g/m²) im DIN Ax Format usw. in reinweiß. für relativ wenig Geld.
D.h. ihr könnt euch mal was auf Karton daheim ausdrucken.
Besonders für Bastelbögen oder wie auf Englisch gesagt wird #Papertoy (Papierspielzeug) ist Karton besser als Papier geeignet.
diverse #Fediverse-Bastelbögen:
#bastelbogen #fediverse #papertoy #kunstlerbedarf
RT @lOiseauPhare
Entendez-vous les cris et les tambours dans le bayou ?
Entendez-vous l'appel de #Cthulhu ?
Détails sur
#papertoy #toycraft #papermodel #rlyeh #mythos #hplovecraft #hpl #howardphillipslovecraft #lovecraft #callofcthulhu #coc #necronomicon #handmade #deco
#cthulhu #papertoy #toycraft #papermodel #rlyeh #mythos #hplovecraft #hpl #howardphillipslovecraft #lovecraft #callofcthulhu #coc #necronomicon #handmade #deco
I spent the last couple of evenings making a Totoro #papercraft toy. I think I'm getting a bit quicker at making them and am definitely getting better at gluing them without getting glue all over the model 🤭
I'll publish the design on my website this evening.
#papercraft #totoro #papertoys #papertoy
Fake Pepecito #papertoy soon on
(when I figure out best way to do it)
I finished making my Father Christmas Sleigh. Cutting it a bit fine for Christmas but there we go.
You can download it on my website:
#papercraft #papertoy #blender #santa #christmas
I made a new version of the sleigh. It's much more robust that the previous one, and I made Rudolph as well. He travels in the sleigh with Santa.
Attempting to make a Santa's Sleigh paper craft toy. This is the first version, coloured in by my son.
Already got loads to tweak from this version. And I wonder if it's too small and fiddly. Need to make it a bit larger.
Modelling it in Blender, then unfolding with Unfolder (Mac app).
#papercraft #blender #toy #papertoy
Pas d'origami aujourd'hui, mais un peu de #papertoy !
Donc beaucoup de découpage et de collage...
Mais ça en vaut la peine, enfin je pense. C'est une série de Tougui qui date de 2015. Voici déjà le renne et son traîneau, un lutin et un sapin, en attendant la suite.
If you don't have a real horse, you can make lots of paper ones if you have a printer!
Download the .pdf from #PaperToys, print and fold and you can have as many #horses as you want at home! 😀
#horse #papertoy #papertoys #horses
Some fun little paper buddies.
#PaperToy #cute #MastoArt #CreativeToots #drawing #illustration
#illustration #drawing #CreativeToots #MastoArt #cute #papertoy
Unter dem Begriff #PaperToy (PapierSpielzeug/Bastelbogen) gibs es hier ganz viele Bastelbögen zum Ausschneiden und Falzen.