Graffiti at the former Buttercup Cottage Barn, Philadelphia 2023.
My first outdoor attempt at a #PaperTrichrome #TrichromeParty shot on 8x10. Not exactly a success, but still kind of cool! 8x10 #ra4 paper negatives developed in b+w paper developer. Scanned and combined in PS. #BelieveInFilm #BelieveInOverlyComplexProcesses
#believeinoverlycomplexprocesses #believeinfilm #ra4 #trichromeparty #papertrichrome
Still Life, #TrichromeParty Experiment, 2023
My most absurd #trichrome to date.
I have been thinking about making trichromes with my new 8x10 camera, but film is expensive and most options are ortho only!
BUT it occurred to me that ra4 paper is panchromatic AND can be developed with B+W chems (though w/low dmax). And it works! (low-res cell phone scans edited and combined in PS).
#BelieveInFilm #8x10 #LargeFormat #RA4ColorPrintTheWrongWay #PaperTrichrome #HomemadeGuitar
#homemadeguitar #papertrichrome #ra4colorprintthewrongway #largeformat #8x10 #believeinfilm #Trichrome #trichromeparty