#jewish #synagogue #uspol #papol #pa #westvirginia #wva #Pittsburg #wv #trial #massshooting #antisemitism #threats #whitesupremacist https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/white-supremacist-arrested-making-threats-trial-pittsburgh-synagogue-s-rcna99260
#jewish #synagogue #uspol #papol #pa #westvirginia #wva #pittsburg #wv #trial #massshooting #antisemitism #threats #whitesupremacist
Does Your Local Museum or University Have Native American Remains?
Mine does. The State Museum of Pennsylvanian has 900+ remains. I wrote to Rep. Eddie Day Pashinski to get this done.
Use this tool to see which #museums, #colleges & govt. agencies still have them:
#museums #colleges #nepa #PA #papol #papolitics #Harrisburg
While I'm reviewing Ryan's tweets - Arvind Venkat was sworn in as the first person of Indian descent in PA's House! WOOHOO
#papol #pennsylvania #SamosaCaucus #DesisInPolitics #ArvindVenkat #pittsburgh #pgh
#papol #pennsylvania #samosacaucus #desisinpolitics #arvindvenkat #pittsburgh #pgh
Toomey, a sad representative of gingers and Pennsylvanians.
#PAPol #DoBetter #EmptySuit
This put a smile on my face.
#PAPol #Pennsylvania #Fetterman #USPol
"Smiling Fetterman Asks Oz If He’d Mind Slowly Repeating Concession For 5th Time"
#papol #Pennsylvania #Fetterman #uspol