Now this one* by @Wolven ist giving me major Earthseed vibes:
"Respect God:
Pray working.
Pray learning, planning, doing.
Pray creating, teaching, reaching.
Pray working.
Pray to focus your thoughts, still your fears, strengthen your purpose.
Respect God.
Shape God.
Pray working."
Random "Earthseed" thought:
Structurally, it's really similar to the rise of early Christianity, isn't it? We get a very detailed account of the beginnings of the movement, of the founder's youth and travels and disciple-finding.
Then comes persecution, and we start to get other sources than just the original teachings, especially from critics and enemies. The movement spreads by conversionsof high-profile folks and the broad population.
#parableofthesower #parableofthetalents #books2023
#Sermon in a nutshell: It’s not about God’s bad aim or about predestination, it’s about our willingness to learn and grow.
#sermon #parableofthesower #episcopal #sundayliturgy #sjphagerstown
Should we compare?
When we start to listen to the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23), we are already perhaps moving onto the answer. Jesus is at the seaside, when a crowd joins him and he needs some space. We might have felt that emotion. People crowding into our own time, when we need - for our own wellbeing - some me-time. Time to think, to reflect on what
#Lectionary #Addiction #Church #CosmicSlotMachine #ParableOfTheSower #Seeds #Suicide
#suicide #seeds #parableofthesower #cosmicslotmachine #church #addiction #lectionary
I saw this several years ago at UNC Memorial Hall when it was still in development, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it has evolved and how it fills the much larger space of David Geffen.
#opera #ParableOfTheSower #OctaviaEButler #ToshiReagon #BerniceJohnsonReagon #DavidGeffen
#opera #parableofthesower #octaviaebutler #toshireagon #bernicejohnsonreagon #davidgeffen
I'm a few chapters into "The Parable of the Sower" by Octavia Butler and I already highly recommend it. Set in the near future (2024+), it eerily features a presidential candidate promising to make America great again. The book, written in 1993, explores societal collapse due to climate change, among other prescient themes📚🌎 #ParableOfTheSower #OctaviaButler #ClimateChange
#parableofthesower #octaviabutler #climatechange
The Origins of the #ParableoftheSower (and Other Seedy Riddles)
#Bible #Jesus #Christianity #NT
#parableofthesower #bible #jesus #christianity #nt
@Itssaggy if anyone has read it and has any recommendations for someone who liked it, the #ParableOfTheSower series, and anything #UrsulaKLeGuin please send the recs my way!
#parableofthesower #ursulakleguin
#Broward #DSA January #bookclub pick is #ParableOfTheSower by #OctaviaButler
#broward #dsa #bookclub #parableofthesower #octaviabutler
Book 11 of this year
Parable of the Sower – Octavia Butler
#bookstodon #octaviabutler #parableofthesower
All that you touch
You change.
All that you change
Changes you.
The only lasting truth
Is Change.
Is Change.
~Octavia Butler, "Parable of the Sower"
A wonderful profile by Jonathan Zwickel in The Seattle TImes:
'adaptability ... won’t heal the damage we’ve done to each other and the planet, but it can ease us into the very uncertain future, and help us shape that future to ensure everyone is cared for.'
~Jonathan Zwickel
#octaviabutler #parableofthesower
(1) So here's a story from my childhood that I think illustrates a serious issue in Christian culture and speaks to something about the #ParableOfTheSower.
When I was in elementary school, my Christian relatives once invited my family to come to their church. For context, me and my parents were immigrants from mainland China. None of us were religious, but my relatives were Taiwanese Christians. Anyways we decided to visit their church, and they put me in the Sunday school class...
I am really struggling, really struggling with black Friday sales.
Like all of these layoffs and a forced recession to bring salaries and consumer demand back on earth,
y’all ain't bringing cost to living down earth,
y’all ain't bringing the cost of housing & fuel down to earth,
y’all ain't bringing the cost of food down to earth, this is literally the #ParableOfTheSower in the making.
The expectation of Perpetual QoQ growth is unrealisticand did detrimental to human kind.
#OctaviaEButler is one of my favorite I might've rubbed elbows with at the LA Central Library Index Card Cabinet in the early 80s. When the first Kindred movie was announced I was disappointed it wasn't based on her book. Now I'm jazzed that #hulu is coming out with work that actually is.
A couple of books by her:
#OctaviaEButler #hulu #kindred #parableofthesower
@tracynicholrose very nice! #ParableOfTheSower is near the top of my to-read list but I haven't read much other work from Butler besides Kindred (which I enjoyed)
I'm currently enjoying the #AMemoryCalledEmpire series from #ArkadyMartine and really enjoying it! I appreciate how poetry & politics get a central stage in these books. I also just finished #TheWayfarer series by #BeckyChambers which is a great series of space opera slice of life books.
#parableofthesower #amemorycalledempire #arkadymartine #thewayfarer #beckychambers
@lilcoppertop yaaasssss!
I read #ParableOfTheSower back in 2020. I also finished #ParableOfTheTalents.
I followed along with #AdrienneMareeBrown and #ToshiReagon's #podcast #OctaviasParables. The discussion and questions they asked were so rich and provocative. Would highly recommend.
I'm excited to learn more about Lillith's Brood.
I just finished #TheFifthSeason from #NKJemison and really enjoyed the world building and writing
#parableofthesower #ParableOfTheTalents #adriennemareebrown #ToshiReagon #Podcast #OctaviasParables #TheFifthSeason #NKJemison