Allyson Shaw · @AllysonShaw
651 followers · 586 posts · Server

My hope lies with kind of knowledge being like a sort of that will give the tools to fix broken groups(where some members have left for one reason or another and in the effort of replacing them or getting it like it was before) and empower existing ones filling the group with people who think differently in a good way that makes the group stronger...

...thus finding a missing or neurotypes.

We are all interacting with people every day, sometimes our own neurotype is right in front of our nose but due to masking with or without intent we don't make the connection.

When I first discovered the real meaningful connection between two people with the same neurotype, it was very clear to me that something was similar between them but it was only because a person with the neurotype I kind of already knew about they had told me about very private details of their life which helped me recognize their neurotype "out in the wild".

I am not jealous of anyone exploring or discovering new neurotypes, your work is very hard.

#neurotypes #paradigmShift #humanity #Neurotype

Last updated 2 years ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1329 followers · 13140 posts · Server

The director of a out of that tells the of a says her work is part of a as the   provides more space to .
Marie Clements( ) directed Bones of Crows, which recently played at the of ( ) & follows the life of Aline Spears, played by actress Grace Dove.

#film #britishcolumbia #story #residentialschool #survivor #paradigmShift #canadian #filmindustry #indigenous #filmmaking #metis #internationalfilmfestival #ottawa #iffo #indigenousfilmmakers #nativefilm #canada #filmmakers

Last updated 2 years ago

M. C. Mengüç · @mcmenguc
67 followers · 357 posts · Server

Cultures don’t , at least not healthily, from top down. They change from bottom up. Paradigm shifts happen from bottom up. All top down changes lead to authoritarianism while bottom up change leads to more stable conditions. This is why asking the rich and the corporations to change their attitude towards and climate change is not enough. We the #99% must change. We have to calculate our own co2 footprint and reduce it. Once the occurs, they will follow.

#paradigmShift #co2_emissions #change

Last updated 2 years ago

Ulrich Schimmack · @uebernerd
612 followers · 192 posts · Server

Another reflection about the scandal.

After the decline of behaviorism, social psychologists jumped on the cognitivist bandwagon. This gave them credibility with experimental psychologists, but it also led to a total loss of ecological validity (i.e., real world relevance).

The replication crisis showed that most social cognition research was fake. Maybe time to end this paradigm and focus on real world issues.

#socialcognition #Fiddler #paradigmShift

Last updated 2 years ago

hobs · @hobs
408 followers · 763 posts · Server

@harold a leader being consistent can hinder innovation which can be maladaptive in a or

#21lessonsforthe21century #paradigmShift #technologyexplosion

Last updated 2 years ago

who support a may wish to attend the 20th Basic Income Earth Network () , held in , and jointly hosted by Basic Income Guarantee Australia ().

If you don't support a , maybe learn more about why the (aka ) look to to forge a in our relationship with , amongst growing .

#Australians #universalbasicincome #BIEN #conference #brisbane #australia #BIGA #basicincome #workingPoor #procariat #ubi #paradigmShift #work #automation

Last updated 5 years ago


In today's of , the would rub their hands at , even said that.

We do understand , however a is needed in the before we can safely get there; ie. Using systems, (see ), and a .

We're unsure what you're seeing in our hashtags. We believe it wise to tag anything people might want to for :)

#economicClimate #neoliberalism #kochbrothers #openBorders #berniesanders #anarchism #paradigmShift #collectiveConsciousness #decentralised #LandTax #HenryGeorge #universalbasicincome #webSearch

Last updated 5 years ago