Jim Donegan ✅ · @jimdonegan
1537 followers · 4560 posts · Server mastodon.scot
David Olmsted · @DavidOlmsted
77 followers · 93 posts · Server hcommons.social

Cultural are something every should know but often don't. Paradigms are the mental framework we use to organize knowledge, not the set of facts themselves. If a fact does not fit our paradigm we tend to ignore it. Hence, the reason people can appear completely irrational and talk past each other in a discussion.

Four main classes of spiritual/religious paradigms are:

Atheistic, Pantheistic - Material realm is superior or is the only realm which exists.

Transcendentalist - Divine/spiritual realm is superior. The material world is an illusion.

Perceptheistic - Divine/spiritual realm co-exists equally with the material realm but only the material realm can be known in common by a community.

Theistic (Monotheistic or Polytheistic) - Divine/spiritual realm co-exists equally with material realm. Both realms can be known in common by a community. The spiritual realm is known dogmatically via a religion's sacred text.

#paradigms #ancient #historian #religion #Pagan #spirituality

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Green · @shannongreen
33 followers · 335 posts · Server universeodon.com
beSpacific · @bespacific
521 followers · 807 posts · Server newsie.social

We need a for the web. thesolarmonk.com/posts/a-space "It took centuries for writing to evolve the affordances to become a refined medium for thought. We need to develop the paradigms that allow us to do the same with the web. A medium to make sense of it all. A medium that doesn’t scatter our attention with a press, but consolidates it by giving us space to breathe."

#spacebar #paradigms #web #attention #thought #writing #knowledgeManagement

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Kahlert · @PeterKahlert
530 followers · 728 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

Oh look, what a cool piece on , but also '', I suppose.

Posing once again the question: if science was exclusively done by computation leveraging brute force, would we still inhabit a divinely overcomplex, geocentric cosmos? If not, what would happen if we just took the simplest yet valid model, regardless of its implications and assumptions?

What an imagination of deus ex machina and human humiliation.

#paradigms #abductivereasoning #intelligence #ai

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
157 followers · 809 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

In the Way of Inquiry • Formal Apology 10

Thus, a rigid reliance on a single hierarchy to define the ontology of a given domain passes over into a flexible application of interpretive frameworks to make contact with particular aspects of one's object domain.

#paradigms #hermeneutics #aristotle #analogy #abstraction #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce #interpretiveframeworks

Last updated 2 years ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
152 followers · 768 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

In the Way of Inquiry • Formal Apology 4

Conceptual Extensions

The second use of the formal apology is to permit the tentative extension of concepts to novel areas, giving them experimental trial beyond the cases and domains where their use is already established in the precedents of accustomed habit and successful application.

#paradigms #aristotle #matter #form #analogy #abstraction #InquiryDrivenSystems #inquiryintoinquiry #inquiry #Peirce

Last updated 2 years ago

Alan Harrison · @mraharrison
1082 followers · 828 posts · Server mstdn.social

I've been reading about
In other news I'm out of paracetamol.
Hope your 2022 has started as intellectually as mine.

#paradigms #educationresearch

Last updated 2 years ago

sincerities · @Sincerities
1 followers · 27 posts · Server masto.nu

you know how grandpa always had a tissue in his pocket and no one really knows why/when/how it got there?
i’m kinda understanding it now…

#paradigms #originstory #wisdom #aging #grandpa

Last updated 2 years ago

Wild_Heather_860 · @Wild_Heather_860
142 followers · 608 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Spreading and is not okay.

garbage is not for our . It doesn't help us ourselves, it confuses people, which leads them to make dumb decisions.

#Popularizing #paradigms #misinformation #disinformation #healthy #xp #society #understand

Last updated 2 years ago

Coney von 1Land · @Coney_von_1Land
143 followers · 2175 posts · Server mastodon.social
lonequantum · @lonequantum
47 followers · 419 posts · Server mamot.fr

It's OK to learn multiple , even if you don't use them.

However, personally, I'm tired of filling my brain with multiple syntax and ways to declare things.

IMHO the perfect language would:
1. describe data as well as code with the same surrounding syntax
2. permit to express all known paradigms, preferably by adding more code than adding core features
3. be free-form
4. use delimiting symbols that are not often used when we write in natural languages

#programming #paradigms

Last updated 4 years ago