#ParadiseLost - Fear of impending Hell
Say what you want, but Paradise Lost never fail to blow my mind with exquisite melodies.
@vanessawynn @HailsandAles I'm going to see #Katatonia #Primordial #ParadiseLost and others in a month in Vienna.
Given that I didn't listen to Primordial or Katatonia much, I should do my homework I guess...
#MetalheadConcerts #Vienna #ViennaMetalMeeting
...any chance that @humaldo is also going?
#viennametalmeeting #vienna #metalheadconcerts #paradiselost #primordial #katatonia
#DunkleIsNowPlaying 🎶
Soul Courageous
by Paradise Lost
#music #gothicmetal #onesecond #paradiselost #dunkleisnowplaying #nowplaying
Paradise Lost day…. One of my top of band!🤘🏼
#paradiselost #music #metal #dark #metalhead
#metalhead #dark #metal #music #paradiselost
#ParadiseLost missed the opportunity to put a song called Paradise Lost on the album Paradise Lost. Bummer.
The album however is good, 3,5 out of 5.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Believe In Nothing 3,5
3. Icon 3,5
4. Paradise Lost 3,5
5. Symbol of Life 3,5
6. One Second 3
7. Lost Paradise 2,5
8. Host 2,5
9. Shades Of God 2,5
10. Gothic 2
Paradise Lost is Paradise Lost's 10th studio album. Gothic and Doom Metal is back.
It was released in 2005, the year I enrolled at the university. A life changing year for myself.
In other news, Rapid Wien won the Austrian Football Bundesliga that year.
#NowPlaying Don't Belong on my #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney
#metaljourney #paradiselost #nowplaying
The Maui Wildfire: Paradise Lost
An in-depth look at the devastating wildfire that has engulfed the Hawaiian island of Maui, particularly the historic town of Lahaina. With a rising death toll and thousands affected, we delve into the aftermath, the community's response, and the questions that remain unanswered.
#MauiWildfire #LahainaTragedy #GreengroundNews #HawaiiInFlames #CommunityResponse #WildfireAftermath #ParadiseLost
#mauiwildfire #lahainatragedy #greengroundnews #hawaiiinflames #communityresponse #wildfireaftermath #paradiselost
Make sure to do some personal due diligence about the politics of tourism in #Maui #Hawaii.
This award-winning @ProPublica series from December 2020 about policy making to balance private interest and the common good around preserving Hawaii’s beaches is one place to start. #ParadiseLost #MauiFire #HawaiiFires
#mauifire #hawaiifires #maui #hawaii #paradiselost
#ParadiseLost #Metaljourney update:
God, PL are productive, 9 albums in just 12 years... I am running out of characters because the ranking at the bottom is eating them up.
And now I wasted so many characters writing about that so already all I can say is #SymbolOfLife is a good album and deserves 3,5 stars out of 5.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Believe In Nothing 3,5
3. Icon 3,5
4. Symbol of Life 3,5
5. One Second 3
6. Lost Paradise 2,5
7. Host 2,5
8. Shades Of God 2,5
9. Gothic 2
#symboloflife #metaljourney #paradiselost
Yeah also this spin doesn't change the fact that I like #BelieveInNothing
It's a good album (3,5 out of 5) and enters my preliminary #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney ranking at #2
Side note: with Divided they have a James Bond song on this album. I never noticed before.
Another note: "Never Again" features Peter Steele on vocals.*
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Believe In Nothing 3,5
3. Icon 3,5
4. One Second 3
5. Lost Paradise 2,5
6. Host 2,5
7. Shades Of God 2,5
8. Gothic 2
*alternative fact
#metaljourney #paradiselost #believeinnothing
Fader was the first #ParadiseLost song I ever listened to. I know that PL fans don't really like that the album #BelieveInNothing but I like the song a lot, so I am glad that this album is next on my PL #Metaljourney.
#NowPlaying Paradise Lost - Fader
#nowplaying #metaljourney #believeinnothing #paradiselost
@jazzy_bellx7 for anybody who had trouble reading this, try the #audiobook. Both #ParadiseLost and #TheSilmarillion make for an excellent listen
#Audiobook #paradiselost #thesilmarillion
#Host is the next album on my #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney
There is nothing left from where they started 7 years earlier with Lost Paradise, but that doesn't need to be a bad thing. I find this album as entertaining as their debut, just in a very different way.
Dark Rock ist still not really my thing, so I'll probably won't add this into my rotation. 2,5 out of 5.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Icon 3,5
3. One Second 3
4. Lost Paradise 2,5
5. Host 2,5
6. Shades Of God 2,5
7. Gothic 2
#metaljourney #paradiselost #host
Time to pick up where I left things with my #ParadiseLost #MetalJourney
Next up: One Second ...with keyboards? 🎹
#NowPlaying Paradise Lost - One Second
#nowplaying #metaljourney #paradiselost
Did Odo just do a Vulcan nerve pinch?!!!
#AllStarTrek #startrekds9 #paradiselost
@kerouac666 Interesting historical context (arguably) - #Milton wrote four political tracts (Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, Eikonoklastes, A Defence of the English People, and The Second Defence) in the 1650s against the idea of the absolute right of kings to rule.
#ParadiseLost was a subsequent work and it's hard to imagine the recent #EnglishCivilWar on Earth did not in some way inform his writing about a war in Heaven.
#milton #paradiselost #englishcivilwar
Vorbereitungen zur #LNOTG laufen. Dazu gibt es Icon von #ParadiseLost als Soundtrack.
Heute und morgen #BadeninBlut
Nur leider ohne #paradiselost
Aufgemerkt! #ParadiseLost veröffentlicht am 01.12.2023 „Icon (Anniversary Release)“.
#neuesalbum #gothicmetal #paradiselost
µverdict on #DraconianTimes (after 1 spin): great, 4/5.
It might even be masterpiece tier (4,5) after a couple of more spins.
1. Draconian Times 4
2. Icon 3,5
3. Lost Paradise 2,5
4. Shades Of God 2,5
5. Gothic 2
#metaljourney #paradiselost #draconiantimes