Und auch das ist interessant:
"Die höchsten #Geburtenraten in der EU gibt es dort, wo die #Gleichstellung vorangeschritten ist und die Kinderbetreuung gut funktioniert, also etwa in Skandinavien oder Frankreich. In Ländern, in denen sich das traditionelle, konservative #Familienbild lange gehalten hat wie in #Deutschland, bekommen die Frauen weniger Kinder. Es ist fast, als träten die Frauen in einen stillen #Streik."
#paradox #streik #deutschland #Familienbild #gleichstellung #Geburtenraten
Okay. Sure. Whatever. Any hype I had for this is gone now. If this isn't a complete tire fire on launch, I will be pleasantly surprised. (Not because of the studio involved. Just all the dumb bullshit Paradox has pulled with this game.)
Also, picked a real bad day to announce this. Two of the biggest games of the year (Starfield and BG3) launching something on the same day. #VampireTheMasqueradeBloodlines #VTMB #VTMB2 #Paradox https://youtu.be/D6b6LGubq6I
#vampirethemasqueradebloodlines #vtmb #vtmb2 #paradox
The #Freelance #Paradox - the less they are willing to pay, the higher their expectations.
Title: Is Itself an Exponent of the Deadpan Non-Sequitur
Author: #Claudine #Nemejanski
Language: #ASL (#American #Sign #Language), modern (note: represented using illustrations of a posed, #wooden #mannequin)
Depth of recovery: 1,001m
Description: A series of #examples and counter-examples to the proposition that the #proof of the #Banach-#Tarski #paradox both relies [...]
#scp #1986
#claudine #nemejanski #asl #american #sign #language #wooden #mannequin #examples #proof #banach #Tarski #paradox #scp
Was war da heute morgen vorgefallen ? Es war ein anderes Fahrzeug. Länger als geplant. Irgendjemand entscheidet: an EINEM Unterwegsbahnsteig fehlen X Meter, lass mal die letzten Wagen sperren, ist ja Sonntag. Sonstnochjemand sieht: ach, das Gleis am 2. Verkehrshalt ist zu kurz für den Ersatz, na, dann Gleis 3, das ist ja leer und lang. So wird ein Problem zweimal gelöst, und macht ein neues, weil einige Reisende die Anzeige falsch interpretieren und erstmal am Zug langrasen müssen. #paradox
Das AfD-Paradox
Was für eine Überraschung: Die Hauptleidtragenden der AfD-Politik wären ihre eigenen Wählerinnen und Wähler...
#rechtsextremismus #neorechts #paradox #afd #afdparadox
V žádné kapitalistické zemi dnes není život tak těžký a brutální, jako v komunistické (sic!) Číně... Via @enkocz, odemčeno. #paradox
@adnerbia In the 80s I was listing to Classic Rock stations confusing the timeline further.
Later those stations would be playing much of the 80s music I was avoiding at the time. #ILikeToWatch #Paradox
I have a new #solution to the grandfather #paradox that arises with #timetravel to the past that doesn't involve #superposition or alternate timelines. The #caveat is that it's a one way trip. #scifi
#solution #paradox #timetravel #SuperPosition #Caveat #scifi
Sleeping Beauty Paradox
Source : Youtube / Numberphile
#mathematics #math #maths #paradox
#paradox #maths #math #mathematics
The #simplicity #paradox:
#Simple #answers are usually wrong, yet simple #solutions are usually better.
#simplicity #paradox #simple #answers #solutions
🔍 Uncover the layers of "panoptic" meaning in our comprehensive exploration! From Bentham's Panopticon to modern surveillance dilemmas, discover how this concept shapes behavior, power dynamics, and more. Dive in now to decode the panoptic paradox. #PanopticInsights #panoptic #paradox #surveilance #SurveillanceSociety 🏛️👁️
#surveillancesociety #surveilance #paradox #panoptic #panopticinsights
Steps out onto fire escape, sees wall of grey out west.
Says: yeesh, that looks like some ominous weather coming in.
Absentmindedly stares westward until giant pounding raindrops chase me inside.
Because apparently I can be keenly observant AND utterly oblivious at the same time.
The Raven Paradox is posted! Another math birb in the series.
Do you have a favorite bird you'd like to see?
#mathArt #math #birding #logic #scientificMethod #paradox #raven #adobeFresco #digitalPainting #mathbirb
#mathbirb #digitalpainting #adobefresco #raven #paradox #scientificmethod #logic #birding #math #mathart
Sea Level Rise - Map Viewer by NOAA
In New #Paradox, #BlackHoles Appear to Evade #Heat #Death : Quanta Mag
#Harvard / #MIT #Scientists Claim New '#ChemicalCocktails' Can Reverse #Aging : Futurism
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #aging #chemicalcocktails #scientists #MIT #harvard #death #heat #blackholes #paradox
So if I’m ever in the ER (a place I’m legally allowed in) in this state, and you refuse to treat me, and you’re creating a situation where I believe there is risk of death or serious injury, due to my health conditions, remember this.
Another #GOP created #Paradox because they try to ram stupid ass laws through without fully thinking them out! #DefunctGOP #CastleLaw #GunTotingLiberal 🗳️💙💪🇺🇸
#guntotingliberal #castlelaw #defunctgop #paradox #gop
The #tolerance #paradox is solved if you consider the #social contract #fascists break
#tolerance #paradox #social #fascists
#Paradox verschiebt den #earlyaccess Start von #LifeByYou aus September ins nächste Jahr, um die Grafik und Benutzer:innenoberfläche zu verbessern.
Das ist zum einen Schade, weil ich gespannt war, was da auf uns zu kommt.
Zum anderen verstehe ich es gut. Im bisherigen Bildmaterial sah die Grafik tatsächlich immer etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig aus. #TheSims und #paralives wirken da beide runder.
#paradox #earlyaccess #lifebyyou #thesims #paralives
@Binder very happy to hear it's more approachable. I bought it on release because the devs' history is so singularly great and I was so glad it was finally getting a bit of work on aspects I thought looked a little intimidating.
I'm cool with #Paradox levels of systemic complexity (though my #Palatinate playthroughs of #Victoria2 are always disastrous), but DF definitely gave me pause.
Probably just another 300 hours left to beat #EldenRing and I'll be ready to install it....😬
#paradox #palatinate #victoria2 #eldenring