#GregoryBenford - What's Real About #Time?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfTime #NatureOfTime #TimeTravel #Paradox #Paradoxes #Causality #Information #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Metaphysics #Multiverse #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #multiverse #metaphysics #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #information #causality #paradoxes #paradox #timetravel #NatureOfTime #philosophyoftime #philosophyofscience #philosophy #time #gregorybenford
The #Bootstrap #Paradox
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfTime #Time #TimeTravel #Paradoxes #BootstrapParadox #TimeMachine #Logic #Causality #Causation #Retrocausation #Entropy #Thermodynamics
#thermodynamics #entropy #retrocausation #causation #causality #logic #timemachine #bootstrapparadox #paradoxes #timetravel #time #philosophyoftime #philosophy #paradox #bootstrap
It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Comedy #Jokestodon #AHa #PopMusic #RockMusic #Joke #Paradoxes #80sHits #1980sMusic #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekPicard #Picard #Riker #StarTrekMemes
#hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #funnymeme #comedy #jokestodon #aha #popmusic #rockmusic #joke #paradoxes #80shits #1980smusic #startrek #startrektng #startrekpicard #picard #riker #startrekmemes
I love this meme. I'm never gonna give it up, because it never lets me down.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Comedy #Jokestodon #RickAstley #RickRoll #RickRolled #PopMusic #RockMusic #Joke #Paradoxes
#hootintootintuesday #Mastodon #Humor #humour #funnymeme #comedy #jokestodon #rickastley #rickroll #rickrolled #popmusic #rockmusic #joke #paradoxes
#SeanCarroll - The #Paradoxes of #TimeTravel
#Physics #Time #GeneralRelativity #GR #SpecialRelativity #SR #BlackHoles #BlackHole #Paradox #Wormhole #Wormholes #Energy #SpaceTime #Entropy
#entropy #spacetime #energy #Wormholes #wormhole #paradox #blackhole #blackholes #sr #specialrelativity #gr #generalrelativity #time #physics #timetravel #paradoxes #seancarroll
#Paradoxes of the Infinitely Large
The article delves into the classic example of the "Hilbert Hotel" and how its infinite number of rooms can always accommodate new guests.
I do not think the universe is infinite. Nothing we know is infinite.
Interview with @juttahaider and me by Fojo about our latest new book and the so important but impossible media and information literacy. https://fojo.se/fojocheck/paradoxes-of-media-and-information-literacy-the-crisis-of-information/?fbclid=IwAR0w-rFqwArt7VeTRi5l8eRypLAAqCWgPhSGv3QBjSkV78yAIGkQt6BT74I #informationliteracy #medialiteracy #paradoxes #misinformation
#misinformation #paradoxes #medialiteracy #informationliteracy
Quite possibly, yes. #Paradoxes seem to be flags telling us that our thinking is wrong. Either way it would be fun finding out.
hi #commodons and #lawons (?!) One of the questions swirling in my mind these days is: in which cases does a word or statement become the subject of criminal law? How can we eliminate hate speech while protecting #freedomofexpression? Can you suggest useful scientific studies, both theoretical and practical, on the punishment of #hatespeech and the paradoxical relationship between freedom of expression and hate speech? #hate speech #criminallaw #media #freedomofspeech #paradoxes #dilemmas
#dilemmas #paradoxes #freedomofspeech #media #criminallaw #hate #hatespeech #freedomofexpression #lawons #commodons
Been trying to refollow and boost and broaden my inputs and all that good stuff... and suddenly there's no chance I can keep up with my own feed. Which seems... to decrease the chance of building a sense of community? #paradoxes
Hi! 👋🏻 I‘m 41 y old, philosopher and interested in all kinds of aporetic logical structures (#dilemmas, #contradictions, #paradoxes…).
I‘m currently working at TU Braunschweig in the project „Dilemmas of Sustainability“ and I’m also a lecturer at BU Wuppertal, mostly #phenomenology, #hermeneutics and #history of philosophy. Besides, I write books about philosophy.
Hobbies include #music, #cycling, #martialart and mixing #cocktails – Cheers!
#dilemmas #contradictions #paradoxes #phenomenology #hermeneutics #history #music #cycling #martialart #cocktails
Finalmente para aquelus instalades no último escalão do imperalismo linguístico (esta reverência, suponho):
#metaphysics, #literature, #materialism, #ModernEpistemology, #PhilosophyOfReligion, #identity, #PoliticalTheology, #Capital, #desire, #eroticism, #language, #communication, #aesthetics, #religion, #Marxism, #MoralNihilism, #excess, #violence, #paradoxes, #mysticism, #ineffability, #NegativeTheology, #SymbolicAnthropology, #esotericism, #psychoanalysis, #poststructuralism, #QueerStudies
#metaphysics #Literature #materialism #modernepistemology #philosophyofreligion #identity #politicaltheology #capital #desire #eroticism #language #communication #aesthetics #religion #marxism #moralnihilism #excess #violence #paradoxes #mysticism #ineffability #negativetheology #symbolicanthropology #esotericism #psychoanalysis #poststructuralism #queerstudies
If I had a theme song, I'm pretty sure it would be "Don't Fence Me In" (I'm partial to the Talking Heads version, but the original is cool too.)
If I had a second theme song, it would be "Where Do I Belong" from the musical Mean Girls.
#paradoxes #IContainMultitudes
Paradox of keeping Lightbulbs on to save energy...
(Audio is from my podcast segment)
Follow with notifications to hear when podcast editing is finished... past conversations and paradoxes here:
#Podcast #Tech #technology #Climatechange #Capitalism #Climat #Climate #Climatecrisis #ClimateJustice #Paradoxes #addicts #globalwarming #Freedom #Farmers #Justice #DIY #Consumption #Ecology #SelfJustice #PlanetCare
#podcast #technology #climatechange #capitalism #climat #climatecrisis #climatejustice #paradoxes #addicts #freedom #farmers #diy #ecology #tech #climate #globalwarming #planetcare #consumption #SelfJustice #justice
#theconversation #science "Le paradoxe de R2-D2 ou celui d'une intelligence artificielle sous influence humaine" #IA #IntelligenceArtificielle #R2D2 #ronotique #intelligence #cinéma #contrôle #humain #StarWars #paradoxes ... https://theconversation.com/le-paradoxe-de-r2-d2-ou-celui-dune-intelligence-artificielle-sous-influence-humaine-139484
#theconversation #science #ia #intelligenceartificielle #r2d2 #ronotique #intelligence #cinéma #contrôle #humain #starwars #paradoxes
#theconversation #science "Le paradoxe de R2-D2 ou celui d'une intelligence artificielle sous influence humaine" #IA #IntelligenceArtificielle #R2D2 #ronotique #intelligence #cinéma #contrôle #humain #StarWars #paradoxes ... https://theconversation.com/le-paradoxe-de-r2-d2-ou-celui-dune-intelligence-artificielle-sous-influence-humaine-139484
#paradoxes #starwars #humain #contrôle #cinéma #intelligence #ronotique #r2d2 #intelligenceartificielle #ia #science #theconversation
#HarvardBusinessReview #hbrFrance "Comment gérer les paradoxes ?" #organisations #paradoxes #temps #espace #synchronisation #synthèse #acceptation ... https://www.hbrfrance.fr/chroniques-experts/2021/10/40070-comment-gerer-les-paradoxes/
#harvardbusinessreview #hbrfrance #organisations #paradoxes #temps #espace #synchronisation #synthèse #acceptation
#HarvardBusinessReview #hbrFrance "Comment gérer les paradoxes ?" #organisations #paradoxes #temps #espace #synchronisation #synthèse #acceptation ... https://www.hbrfrance.fr/chroniques-experts/2021/10/40070-comment-gerer-les-paradoxes/
#acceptation #synthèse #synchronisation #espace #temps #paradoxes #organisations #hbrfrance #harvardbusinessreview
B: I predict you will defy my prediction.