Not sure if sb proposed this already: wouldn't adding #paragraph numbers to #research #papers make #academic #discussion easier? Instead of: "the idea in paper XYZ on page 294, left column, 3rd §, last sentence" you could say "the idea in paper XYZ in §3, last sentence". Moreover, I see potential benefits for #automatic #document #processing and even the writing process itself: authors would maybe stick more closely to the 1-paragraph-1-idea concept. #academicwriting Are there any such approaches to improve structure in the academic #discourse?
#paragraph #research #papers #academic #discussion #automatic #document #processing #academicwriting #discourse
#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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not #sure if you #realize this but when you #post a #paragraph #littered with #pointless #hashtags it gives #me and my #friends a #throbbing #headache if we #choose to #read it
#read #choose #headache #throbbing #friends #me #hashtags #pointless #littered #paragraph #post #realize #sure
[This paragraph intentionally left the building to go frolic in a nearby park. See you later!]
#paragraph #frolic #park #writing #writers
#paragraph : originally, a marginal mark or note, set in the margin to call attention to something in the text, e. g., a change of subject
- French: paragraphe
- German: der Paragraph
- Italian: paragrafo
- Portuguese: parágrafo
- Spanish: párrafo
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The room moved right as he moved left, but stepping into one square tile at a time kept him steady.
Moms taught him how to stroll while sauced, a skill that helped her avoid two potential DUIs; though pops swore her thick accent and thicker tits kept her out of trouble—either way, Lubomir respected her game.
#opening #paragraph #edits #wip #4kings #respect4mom
"For every extreme there are infinite in-betweens."
-Boole, the hat madder, Knome extreme logick philosopher
#Quote and first #paragraph from my #fantasy and attempted #comedy #novel The Last Philosopher
#quote #paragraph #fantasy #comedy #novel
I’m using #metatext on iOS for mastodon. I really like it and after trying #tootle and Mastodon For iPhone, Metatext is my favourite so far.
Metatext #tip: Looking for how you can start a new #paragraph when posting? The #hashkey is on the alphabetical #keyboard; the #return key is on the numeric keyboard.
As a #leftie it took me a while to realise this as that part of the keyboard is obscured by my right hand.
#metatext #tootle #tip #paragraph #hashkey #keyboard #return #Leftie
vor ein paar Tagen
#krieg #ukraine #russland #kriegsverbrechen#menschenrechte #völkerrecht #gesetze #kriegsrecht #jura #bibliothek #bücherei #panzer #militär #angriff #amnesty #recht #paragraf #paragraph #fachliteratur #fachbücher #gewalt #politik #gesellschaft #karikatur #cartoon
#krieg #ukraine #russland #kriegsverbrechen #Volkerrecht #gesetze #kriegsrecht #jura #bibliothek #bucherei #panzer #militar #angriff #amnesty #recht #paragraf #paragraph #fachliteratur #fachbucher #gewalt #politik #gesellschaft #karikatur #cartoon