"More steam, MacPhail, you blaggard!"
Monument celebrating the wonderful Clyde Puffer, as seen in Para Handy, by the canal marina at Kirkintilloch. Many were built & launched from this spot, one upon a time.
#Glasgow #History #photography #ship #boat #bateau #Kirkintilloch #ForthAndClydeCanal #ClydePuffer #ParaHandy #VitalSpark
#vitalspark #parahandy #clydepuffer #ForthAndClydeCanal #kirkintilloch #bateau #boat #ship #photography #history #glasgow
For lovers of the #ParaHandy stories here is a belter from the same author Neil Munro. Written in 1922 he wryly speculates on traffic congestion 20 years hence in 1942. He doesn't like what he sees. Funny and presentient. #cycling #traffic #Glasgow #pedestrians #Scots
#scots #pedestrians #glasgow #traffic #cycling #parahandy
Taken this day, 2013, the Vital Spark in the snow https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/8542272645/in/photostream/
Actually it's the Maryhill, a working, scale version of the classic Clyde Puffer, many of which were built & launched near this spot in #Kirkintilloch
#Glasgow #photography #Scotland #Ecosse #KirkintillochMarina #ForthAndClydeCanal #dock #marina #boat #ship #ClydePuffer#VitalSpark #ParaHandy #snow #neiger
#neiger #snow #parahandy #clydepuffer #ship #boat #marina #dock #ForthAndClydeCanal #kirkintillochmarina #ecosse #scotland #photography #glasgow #kirkintilloch