the certainty of the reality of the possibility
#MashaGessen #ParallelPolis #dissidence #VáclavBenda #VáclavHavel #Solidarność #hope #ErichFromm #blog
#erichfromm #mashagessen #parallelpolis #vaclavbenda #blog #vaclavhavel #solidarnosc #hope #dissidence
Thinking about the idea #ParallelPolis … I was listening to Marci Shore (unfortunately not on Mastodon yet) lecture about Maidan 2014 and she mentioned how these (I guess mostly a bit lefty, as she probably would consider herself to be) students on Maidan loved this idea of the Czech Catholic #Christian conservative dissident Václav Benda. And yet, the same idea is loved by the ultra-conservative Catholics with their #BenedictOption. Strange world!
#benedictoption #Christian #parallelpolis