#Paramiko's #GitHub repo now has a handful of fancy issue submission templates, courtesy of @btskinn ! 😤🙌🏻✨
Be interesting to see (or…hear about… 🙈😩) if this helps a bit with some of the noisier input.
It must be administrivia day, because I've also spent some time futzing with #ReadTheDocs to see if I can get the "you're not reading the latest version” banners to show up again for my projects. (sadly not yet, even tho I nuked my old tag-versions w/ their API.)
#paramiko #github #readthedocs
#Python #paramiko zdaje się podążać zasadą: jeśli istnieje zagmatwana paczka, która rozwiązuje jakiś trywialny problem, musimy koniecznie jej użyć. Dodatkowe punkty, jeśli zamiast użyć jej bezpośrednio będziemy importować wersję włączoną w inną ciężką zależność.
Pusta klasa działa równie dobrze (a "dataclass" byłoby poprawnym rozwiązaniem):
#nih #gentoo #paramiko #python
#Python #paramiko development is like: if there's a complex and convoluted third-party package solving a trivial problem, we must use it! Extra points if instead of using it directly we use the version bundled in another convoluted package. Sigh.
Protip: an empty class works as well (and a dataclass would be the correct solution):
#Fabric 3.1 / #Paramiko 3.2 out now, after months of hacking, rewriting, cursing ancient design decisions that don't work w/ non-OpenSSH targets, & so on & so forth.
Most of this is opt-in, experimental, and incomplete - but hey, it works well enough that my colleagues can get their ssh-agents and passphraseless pubkeys working with both #OpenSSH and #Teleport!
Solid foundation, living room furnished…rest of house forthcoming 😂
#fabric #paramiko #openssh #teleport #python #ssh
Got to a good place with my ongoing #Paramiko (#Fabric #Python #SSH etc) work* ✨ great way to end the week!
Also weedwhacked the absolute shit out of a lawnfull of dandelions this afternoon.
It is time for some well-earned 🥃 (#Akashi white label #whisky) and 🥋📽️ (#Hapkido starting Angela Mao, aka "Lady #KungFu”).
* For those interested in Protocol Bullshit and/or Software Architecture Bullshit, see https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/23#issuecomment-1516536336 and subsequent comment(s).
#paramiko #fabric #python #ssh #akashi #whisky #hapkido #kungfu
Finally getting a few #Fabric / #Paramiko #Python somewheres.
1. New PKey property spits out proper SHA256 fingerprint so you can compare to`ssh` logs or `ssh-add -l` 🎉
2. New auth PoC works enough to try multiple auth sources in any order, & logging more obviously than the old code did (first 3 lines of screenshot)
3. …and that flow yields a useful result, which also has a useful __str__ (last 2 lines of screenshot). Maps the auth source to the resulting exception or server response.
Any #paramiko likers out there, I'm going to merge https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/pull/2166 by this Friday at the latest (unless something real nasty shows up).
If you've got more time than sense and want to trawl through looking for serious issues, I'm listening!
I hate doing repetitive tasks, so I decided to automate part of my tasks.
Between using #python, #bash, #expect and also Microsoft #flow, I usually get the jobe done.
Here are some of my latest projects:
OrIt - simple script to put an "or" between strings. Very useful for searches in ticketing tools
Clipboard cleaner - use this to get devices IP by copying specific text from specific xymon monitoring tool
Accedian toolset - a simple #python package to access Accedian devices remotely using #paramiko
These are just a few, I'll post more as I remember them 😅
#python #bash #paramiko #expect #flow
If you are running into strange authentication failures with #Ansible and #SSH after one of the latest updates: #paramiko seems to be kinda broken. You might want to try ansible-pylibssh (https://ansible-pylibssh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation_guide/) as a replacement.