So.. is it still socially acceptable for my test to use "golden files" or is that offensive now too? #paranoid I'm not actually being silly, it's reached the point where almost every common phrase in my project is tainted with terror.
First day back at work after #covid. Have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to remember passwords and did one small ticket. Now collapsed on the sofa and wondering if I actually did the ticket right.
#paranoid #coder #distracted
#distracted #coder #paranoid #COVID
@jalexed Även om jag antar att upphovsmakaren till instansen antagligen har gott uppsåt (det luktar faktiskt lite @doktorzjivago vilken verkar ha hjärtat på ett bra ställe och goda intentioner) så är det ändå känsligt. Administratören kan bli utsatt för utpressning eller annan påverkan, eller instansen kan bli hackad.
Samma problemformulering går att applicera på Bekvämt men sårbart.
Ron #DeFascist.
#DeSantis #Fascism #puddingfingers #authoritarianism #Florida #unamerican #dictator #taxwaste #taxpayers #gestapo #Overreach #paranoid #secrets
#defascist #desantis #fascism #puddingfingers #authoritarianism #Florida #unamerican #dictator #taxwaste #taxpayers #gestapo #Overreach #paranoid #secrets
Bonne nuit. Lekker slapen. 🙋♂️💤
What if everyone on Masterdon is Ai and AI created art? I'm in the Twitter Truman show and my words bounce around the void never reaching another human.
Bonne nuit. Terusten. 💤🙋♂️
"Iron Man" is a song by English #heavyMetal band #BlackSabbath, released in 1970 from the band's second studio album, #Paranoid.
#heavymetal #blacksabbath #paranoid
periodic introduction i'm #paranoid #depressed #anxious #brilliant #creative #CryingInside on the #spectrum (just a little) with traces of #ocd probably #adhd definitely #cptsd from #MaleSurvivor issues #stuck #ManicSuppressive #medicated #lazy #selfish #grumpy #intuitive #sensitive #AntiSocial #scattered good day to you
any idea why i can't stop #TeethGrinding? i mean while awake not in my sleep i will regret this #post can't bring myself to say #toot this one is #compulsive
#paranoid #depressed #anxious #brilliant #creative #cryinginside #Spectrum #ocd #adhd #cptsd #malesurvivor #stuck #manicsuppressive #medicated #lazy #selfish #grumpy #Intuitive #sensitive #antisocial #scattered #teethgrinding #post #toot #compulsive
#paranoid #conspiracy #advertising
if you're one of those people who watches tv you may have noticed a lot of ads (and this is happening on social media as well) for products that inhibit odor of various things - bodies, laundry, etc - without the use of water. as if they are normalizing continued consumption under widespread water rationing. like they know what's coming and they have a plan to profit from our misery. business as usual
#paranoid #conspiracy #advertising
For Once #Trump Isn’t Being #Paranoid. He Literally Has NO ONE To Trust
#TrumpFascist #TrumpTraitor #donaldtrump #TrumpRapist #TrumpLies #Russia #TrumpRacist #TrumpLoser #Fascism #BunkerBoy #terrorism #Coup #ArrestTrumpNow #RussianAsset
#russianasset #ArrestTrumpNow #coup #terrorism #BunkerBoy #fascism #TrumpLoser #TrumpRacist #russia #TrumpLies #TrumpRapist #donaldtrump #TrumpTraitor #TrumpFascist #paranoid #trump
Yes, I'm #paranoid.
I threw a #boomerang like 6 years ago and it never came back. Now I live in constant fear.
Yesterday, I ordered a new lens to take to Iceland. B&H is saying it shipped with signature required and a Tuesday “by end of day” delivery… we are leaving for the airport at 8pm Tuesday. I really hope the FedEx person actually rings the bell this time and waits for us to answer. Maybe I’ll put a sign on the door…
In 1970 komt hun debuut uit, en al in datzelfde jaar hun doorbraak album #Paranoid met daarop de betreffende wereldhit.
#HeavyMetal zal dankzij het gitaarwerk van Tony en de teksten van Ozzy, maar vooral de manier van drummen van Bill een gevestigd genre worden, waar Black Sabbath de ultieme vaandeldrager zal worden, samen met LedZep en Deep Purple. Ook voor latere genres als #Stonerrock en #doom zal Bill een groot voorbeeld zijn voor menig drummer.
Bill gebruikt veel drugs en alcohol en dit
#paranoid #heavymetal #stonerrock #doom