2.9-million-year-old #toolkit in Kenya raises new questions
The assumption has long been that only the genus #Homo was capable of making stone tools. Finding the molars of #Paranthropus changes everything.
#archaeology #StoneTools #excavations #Nyayanga #kenya #OldowanToolkit
#Toolkit #homo #paranthropus #archaeology #stonetools #excavations #nyayanga #Kenya #oldowantoolkit
Ancient stone tools found in Kenya made by early humans
#stoneage #toolmaking #paranthropus #Kenya #Africa #oldowan
Sarebbe un peccato di presunzione dare per scontato che i nostri antenati Homo fossero gli unici capaci di usare in modo ingegnoso le pietre e trasformarle. E se anche Paranthropus fosse stato un toolmaker? Per ora è soltanto un'ipotesi, ma in questo sito di 3 milioni di anni fa sono emersi molti strumenti litici usati per lavorare il cibo e due molari di #Paranthropus. Il lavoro è uscito su Science (con due italiane tra i firmatari) e io ne ho scritto qui #archeologia https://www.lescienze.it/news/2023/02/10/news/ominini_paranthropus_fabbricazione_utensili_litici_nyayanga_olduvaiana-11304947/
Have you heard the news about #Paranthropus? We now have confirmation, on some level, that they were using tools. We don’t know if they made them, but they have been found associated together. Learn more about this discovery, nd why it is, no is not important. https://dsh.re/7eed97 #paleoanthropology #archaeology #lithics #stonetools #worldofpaleoanthropology Learn more: www.worldofPaleoanthropology.org!
#paranthropus #paleoanthropology #archaeology #lithics #stonetools #worldofpaleoanthropology
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@BruxellesLauren@twitter.com @CNRS@twitter.com @inrap@twitter.com de retour en Afrique du Sud @IFAS_Research@twitter.com, parait que ça bosse dur !
Bienvenue à Swartkrans, site préhistorique riche en fossiles #paranthropus 🦴💀 proche de #SterkfonteinCaves.
Cc @umr5608_traces@twitter.com @ChadelleBastien@twitter.com
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