The EU and the UK exported more than 1,000 tonnes of a banned pesticide to poorer countries in 2020. The pesticide paraquat is linked to cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and suicide. The exports violate the international treaty to protect human health and the environment from hazardous chemicals.
#pesticide #paraquat #exports
vía @DavidSD
Cómo pesticidas prohibidos en Europa terminaron en plantaciones de caucho de Ghana con financiación de bancos públicos europeos
“Hay una cierta hipocresía en la Unión Europea: prohibimos pesticidas para proteger la salud de los ciudadanos europeos y nuestro medio ambiente, pero apoyamos su uso en el extranjero a través de fondos para proyectos de desarrollo o exportando nuestra industria química”
Revealed: The secret push to bury a weedkiller’s link to Parkinson’s disease
#paraquat #parkinsons #syngenta #weedkiller
#paraquat #Parkinsons #syngenta #weedkiller
A textbook case of @naomioreskes and @erikconway's #MerchantsofDoubt thesis:
Revealed: The secret push to bury a weedkiller’s link to Parkinson’s disease
Internal documents from chemical giant Syngenta reveal tactics to sponsor sympathetic scientific papers and mislead regulators about unfavorable research
#pesticides #environment #capitalism #paraquat @TheGuardian_us
#merchantsofdoubt #pesticides #environment #capitalism #paraquat
Their goal is not to kill us, but to make us just #sick and #deluded enough to talk about them, celebrate them, feed them and give them sustenance and our loyalty.
Remember they used slogans like #FeedingTheWorld, #PainRelief, and #SpreadingDemocracy while testing products and ideas that caused great harm.
So what is their new #poison?
#Monsanto #GMSeed #glyphosate #paraquat #BigPharma #opioids #sacklerFamily #asbestos #JnJ #afghanistan #china #cloudflare #cyberAttack #DDOS #newPoison
#sick #deluded #FeedingTheWorld #PainRelief #spreadingdemocracy #poison #monsanto #GMSeed #glyphosate #paraquat #bigpharma #opioids #sacklerFamily #asbestos #jnj #afghanistan #china #cloudflare #cyberattack #ddos #newPoison
@sim @djsumdog @mystik @SpudsRudeEye
Having said that, we wonder whether any mainstream dietitian, many years ago, would have challenged the #monsantoConsensus, which was so heavily guarded at that time.
People who said their was something not quite right with soy were labelled "#quacks", even by #google suggestions and even well before the #post2016Era and #MLFairness.
#monsantoConsensus #quacks #google #post2016Era #MLFairness #inflammation #health #publichealth #glyposate #paraquat
Es reicht! Synthetische Pestizide der #agrarlobby und #pestizidlobby vergiften Ökosysteme, Menschen und Tiere. 2xJa zu @Trinkwasser_ch und @LebenstattGift #OneHealth
« Ein #Whistleblower packt aus: Tausende Dokumente zeigen, dass @Syngenta über Jahrzehnte nichts unversucht liess, um sein #Pestizid #Paraquat auf dem Markt zu halten – während Tausende daran starben.
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#agrarlobby #pestizidlobby #onehealth #whistleblower #pestizid #paraquat #srfrundschau
« Mann des Tages: #Whistleblower Jon Heylings. Durfte ihn interviewen. Super Recherche von @rah78 @georghumbel Jon warnte vor 30Jahren vor Pestizid, wollte es verbessern. #Syngenta hält dagegen. Weiterhin sterben Menschen #paraquat #srfrundschau via @srfnews »
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#whistleblower #syngenta #paraquat #srfrundschau
Suizide mit Syngenta-Pestizid #Paraquat. Whistleblower erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Konzern. #agrarlobby #pestizidlobby
#paraquat #agrarlobby #pestizidlobby
«Bei einem Kind reicht nur ein Löffel und es stirbt». Whistleblower erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen Syngenta. #Paraquat #Pestizide