#FossilAdventCalendar Day 6
This #fossil, Erpetonyx aresnaultorum from the #RoyalOntarioMuseum, may look a bit like a #lizard, but it's something else entirely. Uncovered from the #Carboniferous #EgmontBay Formation on #PrinceEdwardIsland 🇨🇦, it's one of the oldest #parareptiles, a lineage of #animals related to but distinct from true #reptiles. While they were among the first vertebrates to transition to life on land, parareptiles went #extinct over 200 million years ago.
#fossiladventcalendar #terrestrialtuesday #fossil #RoyalOntarioMuseum #lizard #Carboniferous #egmontbay #princeedwardisland #parareptiles #animals #reptiles #extinct