This week's is Tzav.

The poem for my upcoming Jewish Wheel of the Year Journal is about the feeling you've definitely done something FUBAR, hurt someone you love, and there's no way to fix it.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parsha #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's is Tetzaveh.

The poem for my upcoming Jewish Wheel of the Year Journal is about the impact of a mere seven days on you as a person. It's an opportunity to redirect your life.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parsha #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago · @JewishAlmanac
24 followers · 16 posts · Server

Ep.#3 is now available for our short weekly podcast that discusses resources for frugal/DIY adult .

In this episode:

1. Podcast roundup - including highlights from recent episodes of , , and the podcast.
2. A short on 2 verses of (of particular interest to any working artists out there)
3. A quick personal update as it relates to this .


#jewish #education #judaismunbound #chutzpod #wonderingjews #dvartorah #parasha #tetzaveh #podcast #mazeldon #jewdiverse

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's is Terumah.

The poem for my upcoming Jewish Wheel of the Year Journal is about how our home & all our places are dwelling places for the Divine, even if we forget or feel unworthy.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parsha #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago

James M. Branum יעקב מתתיהו · @jmb
120 followers · 416 posts · Server

Episode #2 of the podcast is now out (a couple of days early actually)

In this episode:

1. Previews of the newest episodes of podcasts from , , Adventures in Jewish Studies and more
2. A rationale for frugal DIY adult
3. A nutshell Torah summary
4. New song from
5. Online service of the week featuring the in


#jewishalmanac #judaismunbound #chutzpod #jewisheducation #parasha #nefeshmountain #synagogue #stthomas #mazeldon #jewishmusic

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's is Mishpatim. The poem is about unfair expectations of disadvantaged people & how society blames the poor for not being able to overcome structural poverty.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parsha #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's is Yitro. The poem for my upcoming Wheel of the Year Journal illustration is about the "prophets" of today, trying to warn people about Climate Collapse.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parsha #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's is B'Shalach The poem for my upcoming Wheel of the Year Journal illustration & asks one of the "Big Questions" about belief in the Divine.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parashat #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago

This week's is Bo. The poem for my upcoming Wheel of the Year Journal illustration is my parasha, & reflects many of the difficulties I've had in my life. It's a bit sad.

The journal will have blank pages for taking notes, sketches, or just musing about what the Torah or Haftarah readings for each Parashat and Yom Tovim mean to you personally.

#parasha #torah #parashat #judaica #Mazeldon #jewishgifts #jewniverse #jewdiverse #jewishart #MastoArt #handmade #fedigiftshop #crafts #shophandmade

Last updated 2 years ago

Zwicky Kratz-Lieber · @zwicky
18 followers · 141 posts · Server