The scariest line in film is:
"Hey pretty girl, time to wake up."
And the scariest line in video games is:
"Be seeing you, friendo."
If you play games, do yourself a favor and play #Paratopic. It lasts about 40 minutes and says more about the state of the world than anything I can think of at the moment.
The next game from Paratopic’s devs has a tropical Paradise Killer feel - #RomanSandsRE:Build #VisualNovel&Dating; #ArbitraryMetric #ActionAdventure #SerenityForge #Simulation #Paratopic #Mystery #Horror #Indie
#indie #horror #mystery #paratopic #simulation #serenityforge #ActionAdventure #arbitrarymetric #visualnovel #romansandsre
Really getting into low poly independent horror games. The aesthetic is a gut-punch.They're short & potent, and actually have something to say.
#PuppetCombo #NunMassacre #Sagebrush #MurderHouse #Bloodwash #Paratopic #FatumBetula
#puppetcombo #nunmassacre #sagebrush #murderhouse #bloodwash #paratopic #FatumBetula
So, I just played #Paratopic, based on several recommendations. Waste of time. Game looks cool, sounds better, but is all style and no substance. It's a glorified tech demo, and I think the whole concept was done better in the game "Fatum Betula".
3/10 - would be good if they remembered to make the game part to go with it.
Paratopic on Steam
#Ressenya📝 de #PARATOPIC al nostre blog. Cintes VHS📼, #surrealisme, molts diàlegs, i moments #DavidLynch és el que ens hem trobat en este #videojoc.
#PC #Windows #Linux :linux: #macOS :apple_inc: #SteamOS #GNULinux #Ubuntu #Debian #videojocs #terror #videoludoj #videoludo #komputilo
#ressenya #paratopic #surrealisme #davidlynch #videojoc #pc #windows #linux #macos #steamos #gnulinux #ubuntu #debian #videojocs #terror #videoludoj #videoludo #komputilo
#Paratopic. Un viatge amb aspecte de 32bits, a un món oníric i obscur, típic dels pitjors malsons. Recorda molt a les escenes més estranyes dels films de #DavidLynch.
#ArbitraryMetric #Linux #macOS #Windows #PC #videojocs #terror #survivalhorror
#paratopic #davidlynch #arbitrarymetric #linux #macos #windows #pc #videojocs #terror #survivalhorror