> ... to judge both traditional and new economic institutions, we will ask whether they subvert or promote:
1. Efficiency ..
2. Equity ..
3. Self-management ..
4. Solidarity ..
5. Variety (defined as a diversity of outcomes).
We will also ask if economic institutions impose any biases on individual choice that impede these five aims by charging people other than the true social opportunity costs for activities.
#PolPar #ParEcon #ParEconBooks #MichaelAlbert #RobinHahnel
#RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #pareconbooks #parecon #polpar
Unplanned panicking hardly gonna work.
1) We need to stop funding for new exploration of fossil fuels and move the funding to renewable. Protest if govt funds fossil fuel.
2) We need to stop cars.
3) We need to ban private jets
4) We need to convince and pressurize politicians to #ProportionalRepresntation and bring effective #degrowth policies.
5) We need to bank run, but slowly and also we need robust currency for fund allocation through participatory economics #Parecon
#parecon #degrowth #proportionalrepresntation
Pay UBI for creating a positive externality. Thats how pratical utopian economy needs to be based on. #Parecon
#participatoryeconomics #parecon
#Parecon, is an economic system based on participatory decision making as the primary economic mechanism for allocation in society. In the system, the say in decision-making is #proportional to the impact on a person or group of people. Participatory economics is a form of #socialist #decentralized planned economy involving the common ownership of the means of production. It is a proposed alternative to contemporary capitalism and centralized planning.
#decentralized #socialist #proportional #parecon
Germany reaches the Earth Overshoot Day on May the 4th. #CircularEconomy is the only way to use less resources than the Earth can replenish in a year; even better if supplemented by #parecon.
Deutschland erreicht den Earth Overshoot Day am 4. Mai. Die #Kreislaufwirtschaft ist die einzige Möglichkeit, weniger Ressourcen zu verbrauchen, als die Erde in einem Jahr erneuern kann; noch besser, wenn sie durch #parecon ergänzt wird.
#circulareconomy #parecon #kreislaufwirtschaft
@ScottSoCal @matty @resonancewright @KimSJ @RealityGlimpses @golfhaus @NoctisEqui @TheSaanichDaily @therobburgessshow Maybe we don't have to go full Maoist. The "balanced job complex" of #Parecon (participatory economics) might be a good start.
I'm happy to be able to "express myself" out here, but I'm really searching for interdependent expression.
Can our instances (neighborhoods, cozyweb groups, coops) start to align on aesthetics? Open source policies and budgets? Start to decide how we're actually going to do participatory economics/politics/culture things?
#coops #metalabels #parpolity #parecon
Not finished Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything or Kohei Saito's 人新世の資本論 but got wrapped up in #EnoughIsEnough. It keeps making me think of earlier work by #MichaelAlbert with #ParEcon #ParticipatoryEconomics, and even earlier writings by #BertrandRussel, #MortalsAndOthers. Back in 1933 we knew economists were morons:
"Economists were driven to abandon this.. ground by the indignation of the #GeneralPublic. "
but then we forgot and in 2011 students protest #Mankiw?
#Mankiw #GeneralPublic #MortalsAndOthers #bertrandrussel #participatoryeconomics #parecon #MichaelAlbert #enoughisenough
i just read an interview with #MichaelAlbert about Artists in #Parecon. He talked about socially valued Art. He compares Art to any other profession. But Art that is "socially valuable" is "Entertainment". New art needs to be ugly because it is based on a language that no one has ever heard before - and maybe no one will. A society needs to value people wasting time because this is were the unexpected things happen. Every system rooted in wages is authoritarian and is wasting human potential.
This [1] looks like highly significant research for people interested in implementing #Parecon [2], one of the most interesting proposals for a viable, alternative economic system (alternative := not communism, not capitalism), along the lines of cooperatives, but more ambitious for a society-wide economy.
[1] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10664-022-10166-x
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cost_externalization #CostExternalization
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Another_Brick_in_the_Wall #AnotherBrickInTheWall
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platform_cooperative #PlatformCooperatives
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participatory_economics #ParEcon
#CostExternalization #anotherbrickinthewall #platformcooperatives #parecon
> The darker side of market incentives has been neglected and underestimated. Two modern exceptions are Ralph d’Arge and E.K. Hunt, who coined the less famous but equally appropriate concept, “invisible foot” to describe the socially counter-productive behavior of foisting costs onto others that markets also promote.
#EKHunt #InvisibleFoot #Market #Economics #ParEcon #ParticipatoryEconomics of #MichaelAlbert and #RobinHahnel
#RobinHahnel #MichaelAlbert #participatoryeconomics #parecon #economics #market #InvisibleFoot #EKHunt
"Participatory economics outlines in substantial detail a program of radical reconstruction, presenting a vision that draws from a rich tradition of thought and practice of the libertarian left and popular movements, but adding novel critical analysis and specific ideas and modes of implementation for constructive alternatives. It merits close attention, debate, and action."
Noam Chomsky
"Participatory economics outlines in substantial detail a program of radical reconstruction, presenting a vision that draws from a rich tradition of thought and practice of the libertarian left and popular movements, but adding novel critical analysis and specific ideas and modes of implementation for constructive alternatives. It merits close attention, debate, and action."
Noam Chomsky
Here's an interesting paper I was linked yesterday. It compares three proposals for socialist democratic #planning:
* Devine & Adaman's "coordinated negotiation", which I had not heard about before
* Albert & Hahnel's #Parecon
* Cockshott & Cottrell's computerized model in #TANS
Looking for other anarchists’ opinions on Participatory Economics #parecon (https://www.participatoryeconomics.info) for a project I’m thinking about... anyone familiar with it and have a take you wanna share? ⬇️
Someone mentioned #parecon as a reasonable economic framework in a video I watched with @wolfi@aleph.land the other day. I couldn't find out what it was. I bumped into it today: #participatoryEconomics http://www.participatoryeconomics.info/
#parecon #participatoryeconomics