I'm now "Mr daddy dude"
It was "Mr dude" but I said "Oi daddy please"
#parentingjoy #parent #dadlife
Good news!
It’s not too late to be part of the collaborative #zine
“Queer Parenting / Parenting While Queer”
Are you a #queer #parent? A parent with queer #kids? #Queering the idea of #parenthood? Let’s make a zine!!
#zine #queer #parent #kids #queering #parenthood
the sooner you become a #parent, the sooner you stop spending time choosing what to use as #wallpaper on your #phone
We did an adventure & research tour on the weekend and a #omni #parent of our group was fighting for animal rights of grasshoppers the children put under a magnifier for investigation*.
Sometimes the cognitive dissonance is so strong that you start to hope it hits them. But nah.
* Of course the animals were not hurt and handled with the most possible respect
#omni #parent #vegan #animalrights
#Parent slams #California elementary school for organizing #NOWHITESALLOWED event for #kids
#parent #California #NOWHITESALLOWED #kids
Guess who has two thumbs and secured a meeting with P3’s teacher today so he doesn’t have to go in without knowing her or the classroom tomorrow? THIS GAL. #Neurodiverse #parent
Being a #parent to a new human, I can never tell why I'm feeling unwell. Is it lack of sleep? Stress of feeding the baby? Stress of work? Daily commute wearing me down? An infection? Am I just hungry? Ate something wrong yesterday? Am I unwell because the baby is unwell? Or is it the other way? I have no clue. #personal
#Texas Says a #Fetus Is a #Child, Except When a #Parent Sues a Negligent #Doctor or #StateOfficial
#texas #fetus #child #parent #doctor #stateofficial
I mean it could be my fault I didn't specify, put that towel down on any bit of carpet that already got a cup of juice
#parent #dadlife #parentinghacks
Dear #Conservative Activist #Dad Who Is Very Concerned That His Kids Might Check Out A Children's #Library #Book He Considers #Inappropriate ... well, don't let your kids go to the library, or only let them go with you in attendance. That's your right as a #parent.
Oh, wait, you're afraid that *other* parents' kids might check out a book that *you* consider inappropriate? Go pound sand.
#parent #inappropriate #book #library #dad #Conservative
Fifille « Papaaaaa! On a besoin de toi avec maman pour peser le chat! »
Moi « Pourquoi ? Vous ne savez pas faire une soustraction toutes les 2? »
(NdR : pesée sans le chat soustraite de la pesée avec le chat)
Fifille « Si, mais on veut pas monter sur la balance »
(Je ricane intérieurement)
Quelques instants après, Chérie :
« Et puis avec toi le calcul est + simple vu que tu es à 100 kg »
(Je ricane beaucoup moins)
Je demande à l’Ado de faire 20 mètres pour regarder
(pas participer non plus, ne demandons pas l’impossible)
une séance de remontage de siphon de lavabo.
Il lâche son smartphone et daigne venir.
Commentaire final du non-intéressé :
« D’où est-ce que sais faire ça toi? »
Dans le doute, je vais le prendre comme un compliment.
Are you a #queer #parent?
#Queering the idea of #parenthood?
Parenting queer #kids?
Let’s do a collab #zine!
#queer #parent #queering #parenthood #kids #zine
Moi et Chérie « La petite action qui fait vraiment vacances, c’est d’annuler la fonction réveil du smartphone »
« Ah au fait, 8h demain matin j’ai ostéopathe, faudra m’emmener »
Are you a #queer #parent? A parent with queer #kids? Queering the idea of #parenthood?
Want to be part of Screaming Into The Future’s #zine #collaboration on the topic of queer parenting / parenting while queer?
Check it out!
#queer #parent #kids #parenthood #zine #collaboration
Mon smartphone connaît 3 positions :
sur la table de chevet à me griller les neurones,
dans la poche à me cuire les spermatozoïdes
ou dans la main à me flinguer les yeux.
Comment fait l’Ado pour appeler le rare instant de la journée où je suis éloigné de mon doudou?
At least some teachers in our #school district use the ClassTag app for #parent-#teacher communication. I just wrote to our superintendent to let him know that, based on their #privacy policy, if the app were not distributed openly and shamelessly, any decent antivirus system would properly flag it as malware.
It's insane.
I have been inundated with spam emails in the week since school started, even after unsubscribing (hi CAN-SPAM, how are you?)
#privacy #teacher #parent #school
Hello sunshine, hello garden! #introductions #introduction
I like: #swifts (you may have guessed) #photography #nature #openSource #sustainability #motorbiking #wisdom #nuance #thoughts #spirituality #kindness #curiosity #go (as in #baduk) #running slowly, #makeup, my family inc being a #parent and #dog owner.
Labels to press all your buttons: #lgbtq #jesus #trans #nonBibary #enby #transFemme
#introductions #introduction #swifts #photography #nature #opensource #sustainability #motorbiking #wisdom #nuance #thoughts #spirituality #kindness #curiosity #go #baduk #running #makeup #parent #dog #lgbtq #jesus #trans #nonbibary #enby #transfemme #oxford #uk #noindex #nobots #noai