Mary Parker Ryan is my 2nd great grandmother. The records I've found for her aren't many, but are solid. Most intriguing though was an image in my great grand-aunt's possession that was labeled "Mary Parker". I haven't found who labeled the image, unfortunately.
What I mean by improving skills is that writing highlights where the gaps are. Better citations? Write up my citations formally. (Sadly the Vivaldi implementation of Wordpress does not include an endnote feature, so I had to work around that.)
Additionally, I found I'd never procured a copy the marriage record for Flora's second marriage, to Michael Lucey. So that's now on my list to do.
#parenthesesgen #genresearch #evidenceexplained
Nothing improves my skills so much as writing up my research. One of plans for 2023 is to write biographies for people in my family tree.
First up is my great grandmother, Flora Sorenson. She was born 1 Jan 1889 & died 10 Nov 1970. Due to my grandfather's divorce, my only knowledge of Flora is through my research.
I'm endlessly fascinated by pro-wrestling. Yesterday I started researching a cousin in my family tree who might have been wrestling during the period when wrestling was making the transition from shoot to work.
#parenthesesgen #genresearch #genealogy #prowrestling
This proved useful, as there's a great article in the Tennessee Historical Quarterly on Memphis' Civil War era military hospitals. I wanted to find out more about the Gayoso Hospital, where Peter Weiss died in 1863. (See recent #ParenthesesGen post.)
LaPointe, Patricia M. “Military Hospitals in Memphis, 1861-1865.” Tennessee Historical Quarterly 42, no. 4 (1983): 325–42.
Unfortunately the Compiled Military Service File for Peter Weiss isn't super useful to me. For instance, this inventory of his effects could have told me whether a family member received his belongings, but it doesn't.
#genresearch #genealogy #parenthesesgen #USCivilWar
I have two pieces of correspondence in my inbox. One is from the Regensburg Catholic Archive. I don't think it will have any substantive information, as the last correspondence with them was me asking if I needed to put down a deposit for some research.
The second is from the National Archives, which I believe is the CMSR for someone I think might be the brother of my 2nd great grandfather, Anton Weiss.
#genresearch #genealogy #parenthesesgen