Zuerst war ich neidisch. Jetzt finde ich das nur noch cool. Das läuft eindeutig unter #parentingdoneright, oder?
De dochter komt achter me zitten en geeft me een zalige nekmassage. Ik kreeg er kippenvel van. 🥹 #parentingdoneright #gezinsleven
#parentingdoneright #gezinsleven
@garthbeagle It's the pattern to a shirt my eldest daughter bought for work. It reminds us of arcade carpeting.
Arguing with the wife about some irrelevant stuff.
5 y/o son enters the discussion:
"Use the Force dad, use your anger, let the hate flow through you!"
Checkmate! 🤣
#parentingdoneright #prouddadmoment #prouddad
Introduced our daughter to Tim Minchin"s "So f**king rock" tonight.
She was already a fan of Matilda and Upright and she loved it!
ps does Book Reviews: "The Whole-Brain Child" https://youtu.be/15Jhb_GF1uw #ParentingDoneRight #parenting #parentingtips #bookreviews #books #booksreading
#booksreading #books #bookreviews #parentingtips #parenting #parentingdoneright