Family movie night tonight, and youngest is having a tantrum because we aren't watching PAW Patrol: The Movie because she's already watched it twice today. #parentinggoals
Vu: maman promenant sa fille de 4 ans et son chien dachshund dans le jardin de Luxembourg. La fille était tenue en laisse et le chien s’est assied en poussette. #ParentingGoals #paris
Kid is at the Dead and Co. show at the gorge. Next week he is by our side in San Francisco.
Laia está encantadísima con el Kart que le he impreso al Mario de LEGO. #parentingGoals
Das Kind tanzt zu Covenant, ASP und Bronski Beat durchds Wohnzimmer.
#parentingGoals 😍
@michaelmagras What shall we do tonight, Brain?
Same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to conquer Discworld!
I asked my teenage son about Andrew Tate, and he said him and his mates think he’s ‘a massive jerk with a tiny willy’, and the went back to stuffing his new punchbag. #ParentingGoals
@area51 @AnEnglishHuman A friend of mine and his kids used to set traps for Father Christmas. One year they found part of an elf's leg in the trap, signs of an extensive struggle and quite a lot of "blood".
They also made an IED (from fireworks, I think) and blew up the Easter Bunny.
First, my 12-yo makes us stop at Third Wave to get coffee to-go. He wants an iced latte, sans sugar.
“Tell them again to make sure not to put any sugar!” he tells me.
15 mins later I’m back with two iced lattes, both sans sugar.
We both drink it. Then again. I’m thinking it, but he’s the one to say it first.
“Ugh, they over extracted the coffee”
#parentinggoals 😄
New visitors to my home often ask why I have a clown costume hanging on my wall and because I bore them with this story, it's only fair that I bore you too.
10yo son (on Tuesday): Mum I need a clown costume for the school concert by Friday.
*Buys fabric, has no pattern, cuts random shape of a clown, hand sews along lines drawn with lip-liner pencil.
Son (on Thursday): My teacher asked if I'll have my costume for tomorrow. I said yes 'cos you're making one. He asked if you have a sewing machine. I said no. He said there's no way you can make a clown costume if you don't have a sewing machine.
Moral: Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something.
#challengeaccepted #youcandoit #parentinggoals
@gregburek happy belated birthday! glad you're an alive human with all your parts! #parentinggoals
Spanking and is it an effective way to change behavior in children. What science says, please read #parenting #parentinggoals #childrenneedadvocates #bekindtochildren #badstrategy
#badstrategy #bekindtochildren #childrenneedadvocates #parentinggoals #parenting
"Oh Mama, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass wir so viel Spaß mit der Korrektur einer Arbeit haben könnten, auf die ich eine 5 bekommen habe!"