2: *climbing up to sit on my shoulder* I want sit on you.
Me: But...why?
2: Because I just wub you.
#butalsoow #aww #parentinglife #Kids
Reorganized all those totes earlier and failed to identify where my Darth Vader helmet is. Either it wasn’t in one of the totes I put in the database or I just didn’t record it.
I now have 2 small children who have learned of its existence and will not rest until it is found. I see my future and it is filled with totes.
#parentinglife #Kids #DarthVader #StarWars
5: I swallowed my fart so I can fart it again. It tasted gross.
#whyarekidssogross #parentinglife #Kids
How do you celebrate getting the toddlers into bed and sleep early? Because I'm enjoying a bowl of cold mashed potatoes and peas and the newest season of Formula 1 on Netflix.
#drivetosurvive #parentinglife
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#Nature #cute #monkeys #monkeyday #animal #mothernaturesbeauty #mothernature #mothering #Mothercare #motherhood #mother #parent #parentingjoy #parentingsuccess #parentaltips #parentinglife #parenting #parenthood
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#nature #cute #monkeys #monkeyday #animal #mothernaturesbeauty #motherNature #mothering #Mothercare #motherhood #mother #parent #parentingjoy #parentingsuccess #parentaltips #parentinglife #parenting #parenthood
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #mothernature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #ParentingLife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #ParentingJoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
#parenthood #parenting #parentinglife #parentaltips #parentingsuccess #parentingjoy #parent #mother #motherhood #mothercare #mothering #motherNature #mothernaturesbeauty #animal #monkeyday #monkeys #cute #nature
I'm a dolt.
So was pondering and pondering how my 5 year old has a fever, but no real symptoms of anything else. And how weird it was that she only has a fever at night and in the morning, which is quickly gotten rid of with Tylenol or ibuprophen.
It reminded me of something, some other event, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Then it hit me. So I pull my two kids together, have them open their mouths and start counting teeth. Little one has two very raised round bumps where her molars would be. And after looking it up, molars come in at 5-7 years.
She also says it feels good when I rub those bumps on her gums. And I feel molars under there. So possibly poor thing is getting her two bottom first molars at the same time. Maybe. Seems the most logical option.
The cough turned out to be allergens (windy days and everything pollinating) that passed in an hour that first fever night, also the nose. So glad I held off on the cough syrup, and just stuck with the fever reducers/pain meds. If I'm right, at least I didn't make her sleep without good cause. But I will have it if I turn out to be wrong. Called my mom the retired nurse, and she agreed it seems likely.
Very glad I pondered this all this morning (phone in hand to call the bad clinic).
The only reason I pondered is because the fever is low grade (but high enough to raise my warning signals), goes away within 15 minutes of meds, and the rest of the day she is active and cheerful. Just not too food crazy, but drinking fluids like nuts. She says her mouth doesn't hurt, but she also started teething at 2 months old and was perfectly happy and feverish then too. And she's autistic, so she does have a minor issue complaining about pain (otherwise very verbal like myself, and otherwise regular kid, minus social sensory issues also like myself).
I really hope I'm right, and no viral symptoms flare up. I guess me being sick was a unlucky thing (probably long covid and not caring for myself). Or maybe sympathy ick, because she is my twin in most ways therefore she seeks me out when she feels gross. And I'm incredibly empathic, even if I am physically unable to show it to people over the age of 7.
#parentinglife #sickkids #illness #dadlife
#NewYear #newyearsresolutions #newyear2022 #newyear2023 #BlackTwitter #BlackAmericans #BlackWomen #Folktales #Superstitions #Culture #Tradition #Parenting #parentinglife #Journalism #Reading #Tradition #Traditional https://tbhenry.medium.com/black-people-scramble-to-complete-new-years-superstitious-rituals-be7239020745
#NewYear #newyearsresolutions #newyear2022 #newyear2023 #blacktwitter #blackamericans #blackwomen #folktales #superstitions #culture #tradition #parenting #parentinglife #journalism #reading #traditional