What is the most heartbreaking sign of ultimate futility and parental hopefulness?
Where's Waldo, except it's me trying to find the cap to the drying marker my kids left open in their messy playroom.
Does every #toddler scream like their pants are on fire, or are we just lucky? #toddlerlife seems to have arrived -quite loudly- in the form of howling screams and belly laughs. Oh boy oh boy are we in for an adventure!
How on earth do I have a toddler already?!
#toddlermom #toddleremotionalchat #toddleremotions #parenting #parenthood #parentlife #parentingproblems #parenthumor #mom #momlife
#momlife #mom #parenthumor #parentingproblems #parentlife #parenthood #parenting #toddleremotions #toddleremotionalchat #toddlermom #toddlerlife #toddler
Having grown up an only child, I'm guessing this is how every sibling "STOP TOUCHING ME!" conflict goes. Here, reenacted by dogs...
#California #dog #dogs #bloodhound #sibling #siblings #kids #brothers #sisters #onlychild #stop #stoptouchingme #parenting #parentingproblems #soundon #soundup #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs
#california #dog #dogs #bloodhound #sibling #siblings #kids #brothers #sisters #onlychild #stop #stoptouchingme #parenting #parentingproblems #SOUNDON #soundup #dogsofmastodon #mastodondogs
I thought birthdays would become less complicated as my kids got older, yet here I am planning an axolotl-themed Super Mario Bros party.
One of the hardest things about #parenting for me is teaching the baby to sleep alone. We’re not exactly #sleeptraining, but being able to put baby in the crib straightaway at night is the goal. Listening to the cries breaks my heart. I know this is a developmental phase and we’ll be thru it soon enough, but sometimes my heart just hurts.
#ParentingStruggles #parentingproblems #ParentingLife #momlife
#momlife #ParentingLife #parentingproblems #parentingstruggles #sleeptraining #parenting
Parenting is basically your stuff just going missing for all eternity. #ParentingProblems #momlife #momofteens
#momofteens #momlife #parentingproblems
Proof my 11yo is going to grow up to be a lawyer:
11yo: (hurls snow in the air)
Me: didn't I tell you to stop doing that after you got me in the face earlier
11yo: No, you told me to stop THROWING snow, and clearly, I was YEETING it
Me: 🤨
I was not prepared for the amount of social anxiety I get from being in the same room as my kids socializing. I’m not even involved and I’m overwhelmed. I have social anxiety adjacent disorder.
#MomLife #ParentingIsHard #ParentingProblems #SocialAnxiety #neurodivergence #Anxiety
#anxiety #neurodivergence #socialanxiety #parentingproblems #parentingishard #momlife
I just want to go back to the days where I can threaten to call Santa
Parenting is just an endless loop of flushing toilets and turning off lights
#jobeantoots #parentingproblems
Counted all the LEGOs from my recent order. They're all here. Time to build... Oh, wait, my son is using the computer that has BrickLink Studio on it. Guess I'll wait a bit longer to build. #LEGO #ParentingProblems