Why #privatisation should be banned. #parentnext #ndis #centrelink #robodebt.
If the #ATO treated businesses the same way the screams & jumping through hoops by politicians & media would be spectacular.
#privatisation #parentnext #NDIS #centrelink #robodebt #ato
And this is why the #coalition can die in a ditch and #labor can go at a slow second. Privatisation should be banned for all government federal bodies that are there to meet social needs. #parentnext #centrelink #robodebt #visa #ndis etc.
#coalition #labor #parentnext #centrelink #robodebt #visa #NDIS
They privatised #parentnext and from afar bullied the private money making business to bully the woman. Outsourcing our social policies should be banned but our federal government is run by white 45+ privileged who haven’t a clue.
#parentnext is an abomination and i wish Workforce Australia and all the, i’m very sure, liberal grifters on its board were thrown in jail.