In Alberta, TBA front group, #ParentsforChoiceinEducation uses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Article 26.3 for its "authority" to impose their ideology on everyone else.
They seem to ignore pretty much all the other UDHR articles but I would really like to see one of them reconcile their actions with Article 30.
#parentsforchoiceineducation #alberta #ableg #abpoli #abed #pce #tba
Sunshine causes Alberta alt-right loonies to go even more batshit loony!
Check out the comments, #DavidParker unleashes his internet army.... GUFFAW!
#Alberta #ableg #abpoli #TakeBackAlberta #ParentsforChoiceinEducation
#TBA #PCE #AlbertaPolitics #DavidClimenhaga
#davidparker #alberta #ableg #abpoli #takebackalberta #parentsforchoiceineducation #tba #pce #albertapolitics #davidclimenhaga