Some more #AtmosphericOptics from #Oxfordshire on 17th July 2023. We had a nice #22DegreeHalo and really bright #parhelia (#sundogs) which had a bit of a #ParhelicCircle tail. I always love getting aircraft flying near sundogs! #OpticalEffects #IceCrystals #Haloes
#atmosphericoptics #Oxfordshire #22degreehalo #parhelia #sundogs #parheliccircle #opticaleffects #icecrystals #haloes
Silent sundogs.
#30DaysWild #SilentSunday #sundogs #parhelion #parhelia #AtmosphericOptics #OpticalPhenomenon #OpticalPhenomena #IceHalo #Cloud #Clouds
#30dayswild #silentsunday #sundogs #Parhelion #parhelia #atmosphericoptics #opticalphenomenon #opticalphenomena #icehalo #cloud #clouds
Some nice #AtmosphericOptics on display here n this #Thanksgiving day. I’m thankful for high altitude ice crystals. 22° #SolarHalo and #SunDogs (#Parhelia)
#atmosphericoptics #Thanksgiving #solarhalo #sundogs #parhelia
Three years ago today - not the rarest display I've witnessed, but one of the prettiest. Ice crystals scattering light.
#CircumzenithalArc, #SupralateralArc, #ParryArc, #UpperTangentArc, 22 degree #Halo , Parhelic circle (part of one), and Sundogs, or #Parhelia.
#circumzenithalarc #supralateralarc #parryarc #uppertangentarc #halo #parhelia #atoptics