This 2014 New Yorker piece on the #ParisCommune of blessed memory reminded me why I despise Adam Gopnik, who you may remember from such films as “Tár.” In fact it would be hard to find a clearer example of the nasty liberal habit of policing discourse and dictating the limits of bien-pensant thought. (Gopnik manages to sneer at “one Élie Reclus,” even while getting his name wrong, and I’m actually shocked at that escaping the New Yorker’s celebrated verificationists.)
In 2000, filmmaker #PeterWatkins gathered a large cast of actors and non-actors in an old abandoned #Paris warehouse. They spent days studying the #ParisCommune of 1871, they developed deep understandings of their characters, they built sets, and then they began filming.
LA COMMUNE (PARIS, 1871) was filmed like a #documentary. Much of the acting is spontaneous. It is rough around the edges. It is 345 minutes long. And it is amazing.
#communism #movies #film #cinema
#PeterWatkins #paris #pariscommune #documentary #communism #movies #film #cinema
WHY have we not gotten a film about the Siege of Paris where there were people and supplies flown in and out via balloon, and messages sent by carrier pigeon?
#history #ballooning #pariscommune #film
@rewarp @AnarchoNinaWrites not sure what a tankie is but my work in the #workercoop space brings me in contact w/Lenin/Stalin apologists & sorry, no. No no no are you fucking kidding me. I am tempted to say L&S are the worst traitors to the left, ever, but then, I think the right-left paradigm has lost its value as a philosophical/historiographical metric so I don’t say it. I mean, the #pariscommune burned the #tuileries , we shoulda been done w/the labels then.
#workercoop #pariscommune #tuileries
@neil @KevinCarson1 The last chapter of the book I’m writing – a chapter conceived in sorrow – treats this question extensively. Have we spoken about the spreadsheet I cobbled together of fiftyish historical experiments in local #selfdetermination, from the #ParisCommune forward to Rojava, and how they ended? My regretful conclusion is that the answer involves literal armed self-defense. : . (
#pariscommune #selfdetermination
Exile to Paradise: Savagery and Civilization in Paris and the South Pacific, 1790-1900 by Alice Bullard
#Kanak, #Kanaky, #genocide, #france, #frenchrevolution, #pariscommune, #newcaledonia, #colonization, #indigenouspeoples, #antiblackness, #southpacific, #exile, #whitesupremacy, #Melanesia, #history, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #thirdrepublic, #communards, #colonizers, #war, #paris, #savagery, #penalcolony, #penalcolonies, #Melanesians
According to the poet Victor Hugo, the year 1870/71 was France's année terrible. The country suffered a humiliating defeat by the Prussian military, and Parisians endured a cruel siege. In the wake of the siege, Paris exploded and revolutionaries proclaimed the birth of the Paris Commune.
The conservative government of the young Third Republic portrayed the Communards as savage destroyers of civilization. The Communards were depicted as plagued by original sin, the evil nature of fallen man, and atavistic degeneration.
#kanak #kanaky #genocide #france #frenchrevolution #pariscommune #newcaledonia #colonization #indigenouspeoples #antiblackness #southpacific #exile #whitesupremacy #Melanesia #history #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #thirdrepublic #communards #colonizers #war #paris #savagery #penalcolony #penalcolonies #Melanesians
The Paris Commune: Joshua Clover [Video] - Watch: #ParisCommune #antireport
The Paris Commune: Toni Negri - However much we may hesitate before Negri’s Marxism – his almost exclusive attention to Marxist theorisations of the Paris Commune, makes this interview valuable. - Read more: #ParisCommune #antireport
The Paris Commune: Franco “Bifo” Berardi - Read more: #Bifo #antireport #pariscommune
#pariscommune #antireport #bifo
The Paris Commune: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Paris in 1870-1871 - Read more: #ParisCommune #antireport
Die Siege der Zukunft werden aus den Kämpfen der Vergangenheit erwachsen! Lang lebe die Pariser Kommune! - Weiterlesen: #PariserKommune #ParisCommune #ParisCommune150 #anarchismus #antireport
#antireport #Anarchismus #ParisCommune150 #pariscommune #pariserkommune
Voltairine de Cleyre: The Paris Commune - Read more: #ParisCommune #ParisKomuenue150Yasında #ParisKomünü150Yaşında #anarchism #antireport
#pariscommune #ParisKomuenue150Yasında #ParisKomünü150Yaşında #anarchism #antireport
The exploited and the oppressed people have been waging war against the exploiters & the oppressors, since the society got divided into classes!
Remember #Haitian successful revolution against the French slave owning masters?
We are preparing for the final onslaught against capitalism, the last class divided society! #ParisCommune
The victories of the future will flourish from the struggles of the past! Long live the Paris Commune! - Read more: #ParisCommune #ParisKomuenue150Yasında #ParisKomünü150Yaşında #anarchism #antireport
#antireport #Anarchism #ParisKomünü150Yaşında #ParisKomuenue150Yasında #pariscommune
Voltairine de Cleyre: The Paris Commune - Read more: #ParisCommune #ParisKomuenue150Yasında #ParisKomünü150Yaşında #anarchism #antireport
#antireport #Anarchism #ParisKomünü150Yaşında #ParisKomuenue150Yasında #pariscommune
Via Roar magazine
"Élisée Reclus developed an extensive philosophy of freedom inspired by his experience of the #ParisCommune. His reflections offer a powerful message concerning the fundamental ways in which we've wandered astray in our voyage of liberation." #Commune1871