Hey, #ValeriePlante! Haven't you damaged downtown enough already?
«Beginning Nov. 15, #ParkingMeter hours will be extended in 5 sectors of #Downtown in an effort to “optimize on-street parking management in the city centre and support commercial vitality and mobility in this key area,” the City of #Montreal announced Friday.
Motorists in the targeted sectors will have to pay for metered parking between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m. weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturdays.»
#valerieplante #parkingmeter #downtown #montreal
Global News BC: Vancouver to look at setting Chinatown street parking at $2 per hour https://globalnews.ca/news/9637377/chinatown-street-parking-vancouver/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverchinatownparking #chinatownrevitalization #Vancouvercitycouncil #revitalizechinatown #VancouverChinatown #chinatownparking #Vancouverparking #parkingmeter #ParkingFees #Chinatown #Politics #Economy #Parking
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverchinatownparking #chinatownrevitalization #Vancouvercitycouncil #revitalizechinatown #VancouverChinatown #chinatownparking #vancouverparking #parkingmeter #parkingfees #Chinatown #politics #economy #parking
I'm sure there's quite a few people here who have never seen one of these or don't remember the last time they saw one of these.
We only have a few left in downtown Winston Salem, NC.
#ParkingMeter #WinstonSalemNC #NC #WinstonSalem #Downtown #OldTech #AllThingsTech
#parkingmeter #winstonsalemnc #nc #winstonsalem #downtown #oldtech #allthingstech
Fixed my old parking meter head this morning, the return spring had snapped. Tricky fishing it around, but got it. That, and a new 9V.
None of my kids were able to identify what it was :P
US police warn of parking meters with phishing QR codes https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/us-police-parking-meters-phishing-qr-codes/ #parkingmeter #Guestblog #Phishing #phishing #QRcode
#parkingmeter #Guestblog #phishing #qrcode
US police warn of parking meters with phishing QR codes - Think carefully before rushing to scan the payment QR code stuck on the side of a parking... https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/us-police-parking-meters-phishing-qr-codes/ #parkingmeter #guestblog #phishing #qrcode
#qrcode #phishing #guestblog #parkingmeter