Fact: Parents still complain about finding parking during soccer games even when it is free.
#cargolife #parkingreform #takethebus
Big changes on offstreet vehicle storage. Storage in front has gone from banned entirely to "Up to 2 units Driveway only" and banned for more than two homes. Side storage regulations are the same instead of allowed in all cases. #parkingreform
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/07/27/biden-harris-administration-announces-actions-to-lower-housing-costs-and-boost-supply/ i see a number of #housing reforms here, including up to $10 million per locality for #zoningreform and #parkingreform work to reduce barriers to affordable housing #us
#housing #zoningreform #parkingreform #us
In #PavedParadise, @henrygrabar reminds us that several ITE leaders have denounced how its parking demand estimates have been used.
“We expected you to be smart!” says one former VP.
“Nobody on the ground knows ITE has changed their tune,” adds Daniel McKenna-Foster.
#pavedparadise #parking #parkingreform #UrbanPlanning #trafficengineering
@BenRossTransit “The more spaces that cities require for cars, the greater the need for cars,” because the extra lots create more distance between buildings, making those areas less walkable. Given the impact those surfaces have had on the environment, “it will be looked back on as a horrible mistake.” #climate #urbanism #housing #design #waterquality #parkingreform
#climate #urbanism #housing #design #waterquality #parkingreform
I wish people would rush to help a neighbor or unhoused person as fast as they try to get a free car storage spot.
#parkingreform #rpp #UrbanMobility
The city of Napa needs to lead with implementing a parking plan will result in more open spaces (turnover) and parking revenue will be reinvested in the downtown core in greening and infrastructure, this increasing the livability and beauty of this crucial area (sales tax). (basically parroting Shoup)
Napa may charge for parking for the first time in 30 years https://www.sfchronicle.com/food/wine/article/napa-parking-meter-charge-18164170.php
Don't forget to register for our online parking reform seminar at 6pm tomorrow!
You'll hear from transport experts Scott Ebbett and Malcolm McCracken, as they discuss how NZ got rid of costly parking mandates, and what Canberra can learn from these reforms.
#canberra #housing #parkingreform
*You would think* that a city that prides itself over quaint neighborhoods would try to calm traffic beyond lowering the speed limit.
I'm talking removing traffic lanes and parking to add greenery, transit lanes and daylighting. Think a village feel.
There seems to be a major disconnect bt SF supervisors, merchant associations and its residents.
#UrbanMobility #Greenway #urbanplanning #winshieldperspective #parkingreform
https://www.arlnow.com/2023/07/06/new-more-than-a-dozen-missing-middle-permit-applications-are-in-the-works-so-far/ “As for off-street parking, five have one parking space per unit, four have more than one space per unit and six have less than one space per unit.” #housing #virginia #arlington #zoningreform #parkingreform
#housing #virginia #arlington #zoningreform #parkingreform
#pdxBikes #parkingReform #climateDenial #FuckTedWheeler
RT @NoFreeParking
Kinda interesting that tedwheeler didn’t say nuthin when BIKETOWNpdx rates went up 50% but he set PBOT’s budget on fire to save drivers from having to pay an extra 80 cents every two hours.
#pdxbikes #parkingreform #climatedenial #fucktedwheeler
New research suggests cities are moving away from residential parking policies that privilege local residents at the expense of outsiders, toward one that promotes "better urban functioning." Vancouver is one example. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.05.002
#parkingreform #parking #urbanpolicy #UrbanPlanning
Exceptional piece about a topic that's more interesting than you think: costly government vehicle storage mandates. Writer Henry Grabar's book on the subject is finally out and he LA planner and planning historian Mark Vallianatos tell an amazing story #parkingreform #histodons #history #climate #design #architecture #zoning #housing #waroncars #biketooter https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/paved-paradise/
#parkingreform #histodons #history #climate #design #architecture #zoning #housing #waroncars #BikeTooter
Steal This Idea: The Larger the Car, the More You Pay to Park – Streetsblog USA
The latest episode of 99% Invisible features Henry Grabar talking about his new book, Paved Paradise. https://overcast.fm/+yIOz9jOYE
#Parking #ParkingReform #Podcast #UrbanDesign #UrbanPlanning
#parking #parkingreform #podcast #UrbanDesign #UrbanPlanning
Supe Chan, former Supe Fewer and David Heller (Geary Merchants Assoc) will run Geary businesses further into the ground with their regressive, anti-transit policies.
Exploiting the rights of transit riders is despicable.
Geary is also on the High Injury Network but Chan/Fewer/Heller could care less.
#fundtransit #savegeary #parkingreform
https://www.kut.org/business/2023-05-04/austin-slams-the-brakes-on-parking-mandates “While we’re trying to get more people out of their cars, while we’re trying to reduce our carbon footprint and while we’re trying to get more housing supply and affordable units, these are all elements of our [land development] code that stand in our way,” Qadri said. “One of the big ones is parking mandates.” #parkingreform #austin
https://www.theonion.com/new-houston-law-requires-10-parking-spaces-for-every-pa-1850387581 “For too long we’ve stood by and watched as historic parts of our beautiful city stood in the way of more and more parking spaces” #parkingreform #humor #housing #climate #preservation
#parkingreform #humor #housing #climate #preservation